rpi5 11.0.6: 4k6 enabled but showing as 720 video??
I replace my rpi4 with a new rpi5, same cable but otherwise clean install.  rpi4 displays 3840x2160 just fine, but on the new rpi5 the image is a 720 crop??  I've added "hdmi_enable_4kp60" to the config.txt.  I've whitelisted the resolutions via the wiki but when a 4k source is played or I switch the display to 3840x2160, I get a 720 output.  Here is an example:

I tried google-fu, but I can't find a possible explanation.  I swapped out the cable just because I've seen some crazy problems fixed by a cable swap.  I swap back in the rpi4 and the output is fine.  Its never worked with the rpi5, so it easily could be user error here.  I'm at a loss.  Ideas?
Forgot to say, I confirmed the projector detected the new device as using enhanced hdmi and not standard hdmi.
(2024-02-12, 01:41)Klickachu Wrote: I replace my rpi4 with a new rpi5, same cable but otherwise clean install.

Clean install of what? Is this LibreELEC, RPiOS bookworm, or something else?
If it's RPiOS are you launching fullscreen or desktop option?

Quote:I've added "hdmi_enable_4kp60" to the config.txt. 
Not actually needed for Pi5 (it's a default), but shouldn't hurt.
Clean install of LibreElec 11.0.6, but I also tried the nightly build of 11.2 with the same results.  I bypassed my amp and connected directly to projector with same result.

Good to know about the setting being default on the pi5, I just saw references saying to "do what you do on pi4".
Toggling just "Allow Double Refresh Rate" on fixed the issue.

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rpi5 11.0.6: 4k6 enabled but showing as 720 video??0