Is RTMP fully implemented in XBMC 8.10?
I'm trying to run several of Voinage's plugins, and they are not working. There's conflicting info on this forum regarding whether Frosty's RTMP patch was implemented or not on this forum, and frankly I'm not computer savvy enough to compile XBMC custom if it isn't anyhow. :p

So I'm wondering 1) Is RTMP fully implemented yet, 2) if it is, why won't the south park plugin and the quicksilver plugin work for me, and 3) if RTMP isn't implemented in the latest T3CH and Windows builds, are there any unofficial builds that have it in them (I understand no one can post a link to an xbox build because of the XDK issue)?

Thank you!
Frosty's new patch wasn't implemented into 8.10 final.

I have merged it for my self as i use BBC Iplayer for the kids so no more crashing so its up to one of the devs to merge it into the svn or use the files i supplied for people to compile there own. ( Found Here )

I may compile a builds for the xbox and Windows on my blog so that at least the fix is out for people but i wont be merging stuff all the time as it took a little while to merge the patch. ( missed one part and it broke XBMC lol )
Heck, I think its nice enough that the xbmc people write this thing--no money has changed hands, no one owes anyone anything. But if you were kind enough to post your current build on your blog, that would be nice (don't post the xbox version if you use that, though, since technically using the xdk is illegal).
RTMP was implemented, but the South Park Studiios plugin only worked for like a week or so.
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Is RTMP fully implemented in XBMC 8.10?0