Req Add Other Video Sources to Playlists.
I would love to be able to add a couple of other sources to Playlists.
A> an un-scraped folder.
B> an un-scraped file.
C> an other video source, like a YouTube Playlist. or a Dailymotion Playlist, or a Rumble Playlist.
Thanks for listening.
I've forgotten how I used the easy way to make these nodes, so I just manually using an editor do them. C:\Kodi-Omega\Kodi\portable_data\userdata\library\video if you're not using portable mode, the file area is in your userdata folder under library/video. It's at this point I should note sic: Playlists only work on files that have been scraped into your library no exceptions. Video nodes (wiki) and this will be most useful. Minor note: the source must be available of course, and Kodi must be able to access the path although source recognition is not needed, you could easily add as a none scraped source.

A -> this will list everything in a folder called 'Politics.xml', given artwork they will show up with icon and background in your library nodes, the next one will show up a generic download area. 
[b]<node type="folder">

B->I'm not sure if Library Node Editor will allow picking out a single file (I haven't had the need to investigate). But I ran a nice program that does work with files that have not yet been placed into the library and works well. It's called Shortlist by kcook98765 and you can favourite the file or folder to a custom name
<node type="folder">
    <label>Holding Area</label>

C-> The previous methods work fine for me with most Youtube files in a folder of the same name. Ran into and it appears to offer indexing your video collection with metadata from YouTube, you can organize, search and enjoy your archived YouTube videos; perhaps this could be Kodi adapted? Might be worth investigation.

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Add Other Video Sources to Playlists.0