EPG information "Not available" on iPhone
Nice catch, can you make a screen shot of how this looks like when you select one of the channels (should show a EPG for this channel).
Yes, please see the links. The EPG order is absolutely correct there, only thing that it shows different timings in browser (like the time zone is incorrect).
But the order is right and there are names of programs' and their descriptions too (you can compare the timing difference of similar TV channel by these two links).

Hmm, so the time might be given by the API but cannot be converted. Can you try to reset Kodi's regional settings (languages, time zone and date formats) to default? In the meanwhile I will check, if the browser IF uses different commands.
Yeah, I have tried resetting to default (set to USA English) but all stayed the same with both browser and app versions. 

You know, I think this issue is really country time dependent. The thing is that on Allwiner Linux version of Kodi there is an option to choose a "Country in your time zone", so you may choose a different language time zone. But here on Windows Kodi you don't have such option, I just can set the language to Russian and that's it. And in the same time I am using USA country on my notebook and iPhone to have some additional options. I think may be this is the reason why Kodi transfers incorrect timing to app through API?
Ok. I tried with switching my Win10 Kodi to Russian, but this also did not create your problem case. I am trying with a different solution locally right now: using the progresspercentage instead of calculating this "manually". Already selects the correct running and next broadcast. But I am not sure, if this might cause other problems with older Kodi version. The app supports down to Kodi 11. I will continue to look at this. Let me know, if you find a way to create a time format which solves your problem.
Thanks! I'll let you know if I have found anything... By the way, I am using Windows 11 Home and not Windows 10, may be this is the reason?
Are you possibly able to send/receive JSON commands via console? This could show what your Kodi system really responds. I could further work on resolving the time format issue based on this.

Even though I made a quick attempt to use progresspercentage (finished = 100%, running = 0-100%, upcoming  0%) instead of time, this does not work well with the concept the app was obviously designed for. The app only pulls the EPG for a certain channel if there is no more EPG content for the next broadcast of this channel. Most likely this was done to reduce the load on the interface. So, the app solely relies on looking up the current / next broadcast from the loaded EPG for the app's current time. Changing this needs quite some rework and thoughts in how to design this.
I found it! 🙌🏻 As you mentioned wrong date format I started thinking of what can be different on my notebook and iPhone and I realized that I've set to 12-hour format my clock on iPhone apparently before I've installed Kodi on my notebook. So I just toggled the clock back to 24-hour format on my iPhone (as it is on Kodi) and yes! - The app started showing all EPG instantly even without any restarts, or cache clears!
Thank you so much for you kind help and assisting me with this issue because I could guess how to resolve it, otherwise I would have been still using it without EPG!!! ♥️
Cool! That was an easy fix, and it might help making the app more robust.
I looked deeper into this and I can now reproduce this via debugging on a device. In fact, Kodi server sends the time as usual, but the iOS method dateFromString (class NSDateFormatter) returns nil in this case, which is wrong. There are quite some threads in the internet on this iOS behaviour.


NSDateFormatter *dateFormatter = [NSDateFormatter new];
dateFormatter.dateFormat = @"yyyy-MM-dd HH:mmConfuseds";
dateFormatter.timeZone = [NSTimeZone timeZoneWithName:@"UTC"];

NSDate *starttime = [dateFormatter dateFromString:EPGobject[@"starttime"]]; // this fails

I can resolve this when setting:
dateFormatter.locale = [NSLocale systemLocale];

The issue still persists if I set (also used in many other places where times are converted):
dateFormatter.locale = [NSLocale currentLocale];

Edit: It seems this issue only occurs where the App sets .timeZone = [NSTimeZone timeZoneWithName:@"UTC"]. Where the App already sets .timeZone = [NSTimeZone systemTimeZone] the problem does not show up. Solution seems to be to set .locale = [NSLocale systemLocale] in this case.

@kambala, any idea on this one?
Yeah, I am glad it was so easy! Also, I checked that setting to either 12-h, or 24-h clock formats on Kodi and exact same on app makes the EPG to work (on app) though it shows only in 24-h format. 

By the way, what I always wondered and I think you should know this. Is there a way to preview past EPG programs on the app? My IPTV provider has 7 days achieve on all channels but the app shows only from current playing programs and I have to use the remote controls and choose previous from the list on the Kodi play menu...
(2023-08-07, 18:16)levitsky86 Wrote: Yeah, I am glad it was so easy! Also, I checked that setting to either 12-h, or 24-h clock formats on Kodi and exact same on app makes the EPG to work (on app) though it shows only in 24-h format.
I already have submitted a code change for review which also works with 12h setting on App device and 24h setting on Kodi server. I hope you'll see this soon on a beta software build. Would be great, if you can also follow those -- there are quite some changes since the last official release. Beta-SW and related thread: https://forum.kodi.tv/showthread.php?tid...pid3001861
(2023-08-07, 18:16)levitsky86 Wrote: By the way, what I always wondered and I think you should know this. Is there a way to preview past EPG programs on the app? My IPTV provider has 7 days achieve on all channels but the app shows only from current playing programs and I have to use the remote controls and choose previous from the list on the Kodi pay menu...
I was thinking the same. The App currently simply ignores the already finished broadcasts and start with the current running one. I already have a local version which keeps it all, but simply scrolls to the current active broadcast. Quick video: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/266t3xjri...2fkhd&dl=0

PS: The video also shows some more rework I would like to do, majorly replacing the pie charts with progress bars. But this is not ready for a release and will take some more time.
(2023-08-07, 18:36)Buschel Wrote: PS: The video also shows some more rework I would like to do, majorly replacing the pie charts with progress bars. But this is not ready for a release and will take some more time.

Wow! That is so cool! Your work is amazing, especially the progress bars look awesome! I hope to see it in future releases of the app and I wish you luck with it! 🙌🏻
(2023-08-07, 18:36)Buschel Wrote: Would be great, if you can also follow those -- there are quite some changes since the last official release. Beta-SW and related thread: https://forum.kodi.tv/showthread.php?tid...pid3001861

Thanks, I will take a look if I have some time to test it!

P.S. Also, it would be very cool to set how many days to show for past, as I mentioned my provider has 7 days archive and that is the amount reasonable for me. Or, maybe it can just show the amount set on Kodi server, that would be great too...
@levitsky86, the fix for the issue is now in the latest TestFlight build (see TF build) and will be in upcoming release 1.13. If you want to participate in beta testing, you can simply follow the link in this post. Thanks again for helping to sort this out. Smile
Hey, Buschel, thanks a lot for your endeavors on making the app better! I'm glad I could be a help to you and appreciate your kind support!

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EPG information "Not available" on iPhone0