v19 Square Icon for favourites

I'm using Kodi 19.? on Android TV and habe the Estuary Mod installed. I love Estuary but it always botheres me that favourites have square icons BUT use poster format images.
Is it possible to use square images by default? It would be perfect if Kodi could fetch square icons from TVDB or at least crops the images to a square format.

At the moment I always download square images myself and change the favourite icon by hand which is quiet tedious.
If you update to v20 you can change the view type to 'Shift' and have your posters.
Thanks, that sounds great. Is v20 already available for Android?
Android is listed on the Download page of Kodi but in the Play Store its still at v19.3.
Or would I have to install via apk even though i'M using android TV?

To be honest I don't really understand whats the difference between Android and android TV Apps and why some Apps are available in the Android TV App Store and some are not.
I updated to Kodi 20 now. Where can I set view of my favorites to "Shift"?
Thanks a lot!!!!
(2023-01-18, 06:09)Eggsplorer Wrote: I love Estuary but it always botheres me that favourites have square icons BUT use poster format images.
I opted to use clearlogo images instead, which I think look much better than tiny posters.

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