v19 Own remote control implementation does not receive all relevant notifications

I'm currently developing a small remote control application for Kodi. It's Python and QT based and I'm using the JsonRPC interface for that including websockets for notifications. Remote control of Kodi, browsing libraries and playing media works very good. However, I have installed the Radio addon. I can start streaming of radio stations and get an initial notification via websocket that a title is played. But from then on I don't get any notifications any more. So when the station plays another title, I don't get informed about this. Another remote that is connected to the Kodi instance get's informed. The remote control software is Yatse in that case. So can anybody tell me the other way to connect a remote control to Kodi where I get all notifications? Is there any documentation for this?

The second thing I wonder about is the fact that neither my remote nor Yatse get informed in case a disc is inserted into an optical drive. Is there a way to get informed?

Thanks a lot in advance!

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Own remote control implementation does not receive all relevant notifications0