iOS App Signer error by processing kodi.deb file

usually I do not need to re-sign my kodi.deb file, because I do not quit it. but today got a electricity cut out and AppleTV went down. off-course after starting it I need to re-sign the kodi.deb file.
this time I was facing an error from the iOS App Signer app - "error processing deb file".

I already redo all that came in my mind as:
- re-download the deb file
- update the AppleTV
- update computer e XCode 
... but nothing seems to work Sad

did some goole research but also all the learning blogs and videos, inclusive here in kodi, are based in old versions from xcode ... I do not know if it is relevant.

here is a photo of the error:

running systems
AppleTV 4k 2nd g.  at tvOS 15.5
macmini (2014) at macOS 12.4
Xcode 13.4

last good running deb file is from 2nd of April

anyone can help?

try extracting the deb and then sign the unpacked app, run in Terminal:
ar -p <your deb file> data.tar.xz | tar -xf -
new directory will appear where you can find the .app
(2022-05-20, 22:15)kambala Wrote: data.tar.xz | tar -xf -
(2022-05-20, 22:15)kambala Wrote: try extracting the deb and then sign the unpacked app, run in Terminal:
ar -p <your deb file> data.tar.xz | tar -xf -
new directory will appear where you can find the .app

thanks, you save my day Smile

your tip running the ar command in Terminal gave me the following error message: 
error: invalid active developer path (/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools), missing xcrun at: /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/xcrun

enough to understand that something was not right with the CommandLineTools in Xcode!
Xcode - preferences - locations - command line tools , was empty! now is right with Xcode 13.4

back to the iOS App Signer and all works as should Smile

Thanks a lot

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iOS App Signer error by processing kodi.deb file0