Regarding HDR implementation
Hey peeps,

Series X user here. I've been trying the latest KODI on my H.265 encoded HDR .mkv files and noticed that files look ungraded and colors are dull as if I'm watching it with app that doesn't know what to do with HDR files. Microsoft's "Movies and TV" app on the other hand turns on color grading on those HDR files immediately. Saturation and contrast are great.

Upon closer inspection I noticed there are some tone mapping options in the video section of Kodi (like Reinhart) that applies different color grading styles on the video. Is this how HDR support works in KODI? That we have to go in and chose one of those color styles and apply it?
(2022-04-04, 11:14)cagancelik2016 Wrote: Is this how HDR support works in KODI? That we have to go in and chose one of those color styles and apply it?

(2021-10-31, 17:55)jogal Wrote: For better quality HDR to SDR, is recommended change this:

While playing HDR video go to video settings contextual menu (gear wheel) and under "video settings" set Tone Mapping method to "Hable" and make sure scaling and deinterlacing methods are set both to DXVA. Then hit button "Set as default for all media".


This is new in v19.3 and greatly improves 4K HDR video quality (v18.9 only has basic Reinhard method)
You should only have to do it the once as lomg as you've done the "Set as default for all media".
My only gripe is aren't these styles are bit like Instagram filters? and not the actual look the filmmakers intended to show? 

Xbox's Movies and TV app is so basic and almost featureless compared to KODI, but it is consistent with what I see in other apps (Media Player Classic with madVR, Movies and TV app in Windows etc...) The colors and contrast are neutral.
Yes by definition tone mapping won't match the creative intent as compromises must be made somewhere to fit it in the SDR colour space. As there's no agreed standard for tone mapping there's many different ways to do it, so one tone mapping method may seek to preserve as much detail as possible at the average picture level by hard clipping the very top of the brghtness ranage, however other mapping methods will seek to represent the enire range at the expense of detail, or some combination of both.
But why the KODI is trying to fit the HDR content into SDR color space anyways? Doesn't it defeat the whole purpose of watching... HDR content?

Does Xbox's native movies and tv app also convert it to SDR? I think not, because when I check my TV, it confirms the HDR content is present.
Kodi doesn't support HDR yet on Xbox
There are 2 software development kits avaiable for Xbox.

The SDK which is publically available and free to use for any app and which is what Kodi uses.
Then there the XDK which is private and is only accessible through a paid developer program for approved partners.

Although we are not 100% sure, the indications are you must use the XDK to produce your app in order to get HDR.
(2022-04-04, 15:21)cagancelik2016 Wrote: But why the KODI is trying to fit the HDR content into SDR color space anyways? Doesn't it defeat the whole purpose of watching... HDR content?

Does Xbox's native movies and tv app also convert it to SDR? I think not, because when I check my TV, it confirms the HDR content is present.

Easiest option is to watch SDR content if you don't like the tone mapping of HDR.
(2022-04-04, 17:21)jjd-uk Wrote: There are 2 software development kits avaiable for Xbox.

The SDK which is publically available and free to use for any app and which is what Kodi uses.
Then there the XDK which is private and is only accessible through a paid developer program for approved partners.

Although we are not 100% sure, the indications are you must use the XDK to produce your app in order to get HDR.
HDR is available only for one kind of developer kit?
Btw I didn't know there were 2 of them (including one free)
As said we're not sure, but we did try with the common SDK for Win 10 & Xbox apps and the methods we use on Windows 10 don't work on Xbox, however it could be some special casing is required so someone may take another look at at. However all the code samples that can be found refer to the XDX for example noticed it's under XDK Samples.
SDK, clearly stated 'This sample does not implement HDR on UWP on Xbox One'
SDK SimpleHDR Readme

XDK. has a modified version of the DeviceResources class which supports both the HDR and SDR swapchains. no known issue
XDK SimpleHDR Readme
Ok so that seems to confirm that there's no possibility for Kodi to do HDR on the Xbox.

This is probably why only paid apps seem to implement it, as far as we are aware no free or open source media player does HDR on the Xbox for example VLC.
A Game development kit could be got by joining into ID_XBOX, which have all feature and support for development of Windows and Xbox.

A registered company needed of course.  or it conflicted with open-source policy?
Using the XDK would also involve a complete rewrite of the UWP implementartion I'm led to believe by someone whose worked on the UWP code, so use of the XDK is simply not going to happen.

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Regarding HDR implementation0