Solved Need help getting fanart or artwork
Hi everybody
I am embarrassed to ask for this, but I hope someone will jump in and offer help.
I remember getting all types of artwork, actors, extrafanart, and extrathumbs when I used Kodi v17 and possibly Kodi v18.
I am currently on Kodi v19.3, and cannot remember if getting artwork has changed, or if my issue is scraper related, or advancedsettings.xml related.
I appreciate all the help that I can get, and thanking you in advance for future replies.
Kodi 19 RC, Aeon Knox Silvo Skin, mySQL 8
Windows 10 Pro OS, 4x 2TB Hard Drives
AMD Ryzen 3600 CPU,16GB RAM, 500GB SSD
ASUS GeForce GTX 1660 6GB
Just looked under the WIKI, seems my "advancedsettings.xml" option (below) was removed.

I appreciate some help please.
I just need to be pointed in the right direction
Thank you!
Kodi 19 RC, Aeon Knox Silvo Skin, mySQL 8
Windows 10 Pro OS, 4x 2TB Hard Drives
AMD Ryzen 3600 CPU,16GB RAM, 500GB SSD
ASUS GeForce GTX 1660 6GB

What problem are you experiencing?

You no longer need the advancedsettings.xml tags for artwork. For v19, all that has been moved to the settings pages in Kodi - Settings>Media>Video>Artwork.
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Thanks for the quick reply.
I am using the "Movie database python" scraper, all is fine in Kodi and I do see fanarts, icon arts etc.
I am missing these artwork in the directories where my movies are located.
Kodi 19 RC, Aeon Knox Silvo Skin, mySQL 8
Windows 10 Pro OS, 4x 2TB Hard Drives
AMD Ryzen 3600 CPU,16GB RAM, 500GB SSD
ASUS GeForce GTX 1660 6GB
I may have missed it, after looking at Settings>Media>Video>Artwork, I did not see a way to tell the skin to store the artwork in each movie folder
I way have to ask help from Aeon Knox
Kodi 19 RC, Aeon Knox Silvo Skin, mySQL 8
Windows 10 Pro OS, 4x 2TB Hard Drives
AMD Ryzen 3600 CPU,16GB RAM, 500GB SSD
ASUS GeForce GTX 1660 6GB
Please delete this thread, I asked same question under Aeon Knox skin section.
Kodi 19 RC, Aeon Knox Silvo Skin, mySQL 8
Windows 10 Pro OS, 4x 2TB Hard Drives
AMD Ryzen 3600 CPU,16GB RAM, 500GB SSD
ASUS GeForce GTX 1660 6GB
(2022-02-04, 22:50)brochild Wrote: I am missing these artwork in the directories where my movies are located.
Kodi does not save artwork locally by default.
If you want that, install the Artwork Dump addon and it will save artwork during scraping...

This is not skin related, so asking in Aeon Nox thread is not required.
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Thank you for your very quick replies (as always)
I will follow the tread that you posted above.
Kodi 19 RC, Aeon Knox Silvo Skin, mySQL 8
Windows 10 Pro OS, 4x 2TB Hard Drives
AMD Ryzen 3600 CPU,16GB RAM, 500GB SSD
ASUS GeForce GTX 1660 6GB
Again, I thank you. not only for your quick response, but for pointing me (and others) in the right direction and/or solution.
I installed the suggested repository, scanned my 1st movie and all artworks are added to that movie folder.

Please mark this thread as "Solved"
Kodi 19 RC, Aeon Knox Silvo Skin, mySQL 8
Windows 10 Pro OS, 4x 2TB Hard Drives
AMD Ryzen 3600 CPU,16GB RAM, 500GB SSD
ASUS GeForce GTX 1660 6GB
@brochild Will do... Thread marked solved.

If you haven't already, confirm the artwork dump settings are set to your preference. Many people install the addon, but never adjust the settings to their requirement.
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Yes, I adjusted the settings and so far so good.

I notice that I can run the addon by itself, but not sure if it's going to re-populate the artworks in each individual folder.

To be safe, I am backing up my database before trying.
Kodi 19 RC, Aeon Knox Silvo Skin, mySQL 8
Windows 10 Pro OS, 4x 2TB Hard Drives
AMD Ryzen 3600 CPU,16GB RAM, 500GB SSD
ASUS GeForce GTX 1660 6GB
(2022-02-05, 00:33)brochild Wrote: I notice that I can run the addon by itself, but not sure if it's going to re-populate the artworks in each individual folder.
Yes, you can manually run the addon and it will go through the entire library (or however you have setup the settings) and it will download all the missing local artwork.
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Need help getting fanart or artwork0