Backend with ability to sync in a simlar way to simple iptv client
Hi Folks,

posting here as i cant find a 'general' sections in PVR sub form...

i am currently using IPTV, and was wondering if there is a backend that will automatically 'sync' with my m3u when it starts up, or when i ask it to, in a similar way to simple IPTV client?

i started with TVHeadend but didn't find it that great, for IPTV at least, and currently use NextPVR, which i find quite good for IPTV, as it reflects the order i have created in my m3u, however, some channels change name slightly and often, but their location in my m3u does not change. simple IPTV deals with this perfectly, but with NextPVR if i update m3u and there has been some small change to channel name, it deletes the existing channel and creates a new channel, no longer respecting the channels location in my m3u, adding it to the end of the channel list thus changing location in my channel list in kodi, so i am constantly deleting my device in nxpvr, then re scanning the M3u as a new device to keep it in exact sync with the order in my m3u.

are there any back ends out there that deal with m3u in same way IPTV simple client does?

If iptvsimple works why not just use that?
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Backend with ability to sync in a simlar way to simple iptv client0