Solved Kodi crash on exit on Big Sur
I recently updated MBP to Big Sur (11.1), Kodi 18,9
After this update Kodi crash on exit whenever it was in fullscreen mode.

I tried to uninstall and install Kodi again with no success. I also tried Kodi 19 with same result.


When I run kodi from terminal, I get this:
2021-01-20 23:11:46.063 XBMCHelper[2581:94248] ParseOptions - force VerboseMode on
2021-01-20 23:11:46.063 XBMCHelper[2581:94248] ParseOptions - ReadExternal on
2021-01-20 23:11:46.064 XBMCHelper[2581:94248] ParseOptions - force VerboseMode on
2021-01-20 23:11:46.064 XBMCHelper[2581:94248] ParseOptions - server port 9777
2021-01-20 23:11:46.064 XBMCHelper[2581:94248] ParseOptions - AppPath /Applications/
2021-01-20 23:11:46.064 XBMCHelper[2581:94248] ParseOptions - AppHome /Applications/
2021-01-20 23:11:46.064 XBMCHelper[2581:94248] XBMCHelper 0.8 starting up...
2021-01-20 23:11:46.096 XBMCHelper[2581:94248] [ERROR] Driver has not found any remotes it could use. Will use remotes as they become available.
[1]    1234 illegal hardware instruction  /Applications/

Can you please help to solve this?
Thank You.

Same here with fresh install of Kodi 19.3 on Big Sur 11.6.
And it doesn't happen with Kodi 19.3 on High Sierra 10.13.6.

Nothing new on this problem ?
My Kodi still crashes very often when exiting...

I updated Kodi to 19.4 and Big Sur to 11.6.5, without any changes.

Here is a example : the kodi.log file, and the "diagnostic report" (Kodi_2022-04-12-125534_Mac-Infame.crash file)

Thanks !
I tried to investigate once but unfortunately the reason of the crash is unclear. Seems related to SDL window.
Thanks for your answer, Kambala…

Nobody could try to investigate ? It’s a pain in my heart to see that software I love crash at allmost every exit…
Youhou ! To anyone interested : this bug seems to be fixed in 19.5 !!  Wink

See here.

I'll test that right now !!
It seems to work !
No crash at exit since I installed the 19.5…

Thanks !
Thread marked solved.

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Kodi crash on exit on Big Sur0