Mod Mimic SlimStar for Helix
mim·ic slim·star

At first big thanks to bryanbrazil, who made this stunningly great looking skin!
This is definitely my favourite Kodi skin, but I have little bit different visions and wishes, because of that I decided to create SlimStar mod from Mimic skin.


if You like list views and especially slim list view and don't like and use rating stars in music views, this mod might be for You. If You don't use list views and You like and use star ratings in music views, this mod is probably not for You.

Music slim list view of SlimStar (more screenshots will be available soon):



- Only list view is left, other views are removed (for pictures also icon view)
- All star ratings are removed from music views
- All Black-color theme backgrounds made little bit lighter
- Thumbs are set to hold their original aspect ratio
- Bottom bar "Now playing" label replaced with playing status icon
- List view (big list) and slim list (list) view separated
- Music and video progressbars are made active
- Added option to enable screen buttons for better touch and mouse control

I have many things in my mind and more tweaks to come, so stay tuned!

You can download latest version from Github repository:

If You have some SlimStar mod specific question, I will try to help You.
If You have general Mimic releated question, please ask in Mimic thread:

Changelog Wrote: (23. jan 2015)
- "Home" button added (visible with activated screen buttons)
- List view fix (22. jan 2015)
- Music and video progressbars are made active for touch and mouse control
- Music player fullscreen controls reorganized
- Added option to enable screen buttons for better touch and mouse control
- Music info is always visible in fullscreen when screen buttons enabled (21. jan 2015)
- Mouse and touchscreen support for media menu added
- Various fixes
- Default background changed (20. jan 2015)
- List view and slim list view separated (19. jan 2015)
- In bottom bar "Now playing" label replaced with playing status icon
- Top and bottom bar height increased a little bit
- Many slim list view alignment fixes
- Disc number label added to music slim list view
- Other alignment fixes
- Base skin updates (16. jan 2015)
- Base skin updates
- Small improvements (15. jan 2015)
- Skin base update to version 1.0.3
- Only list view is left, other views are removed (for pictures also icon view)
- All star ratings are now removed from list views
- Top bar labels are reorganized and restyled, total duration label added
- Bottom bar labels are little bit reorganized and restyled
- Music slim list view reorganized
- All Black-color theme backgrounds made little bit lighter (14. jan 2015)
- Black-Blue is default color theme
- Black-Blue color theme background made little bit lighter
- Roboto 2014 is default font
- New APE media flag added
- All rating stars are removed in music slimlist view
- Artist and album thumbs are made smaller in slimlist view
- Thumbs are set to hold their original aspect ratio in music slimlist view
- Rating stars are removed from music visualisation screen
- Clock added to music visualisation screen
- Thumbs are set to hold their original aspect ratio in music visualisation screen
- Some other redesign in slimlist right panel

PS. Excuse my weak English, this is not my first language. I will do my best Smile
"Now playing" label in bottom bar replaced with playing status icon buttons:





These are not just a icons but clickable buttons.

Status "playing" - click will pause
Status "pause" - click will resume playing
Status "forward or "rewind" - click will resume playing

Here is updated screenshot in fullscreen:


Updated version is available on git.
(2015-01-19, 21:24)djstallion Wrote: "Now playing" label in bottom bar replaced with playing status icon buttons:





These are not just a icons but clickable buttons.

Status "playing" - click will pause
Status "pause" - click will resume playing
Status "forward or "rewind" - click will resume playing

Great idea, I just added something like this to Mimic. Smile
(2015-01-19, 23:05)bryanbrazil Wrote:
(2015-01-19, 21:24)djstallion Wrote: "Now playing" label in bottom bar replaced with playing status icon buttons:





These are not just a icons but clickable buttons.

Status "playing" - click will pause
Status "pause" - click will resume playing
Status "forward or "rewind" - click will resume playing

Great idea, I just added something like this to Mimic. Smile
I'm glad You like it Smile
I like to install this skin on my system (Fire TV / Kodi / Helix) but when downloading from Git and want to install it it says Don't has the correct structure
(2015-01-20, 00:15)misa Wrote: I like to install this skin on my system (Fire TV / Kodi / Helix) but when downloading from Git and want to install it it says Don't has the correct structure
Try to download again, sometimes from Github downloaded zip is corrupted or something. I have seen this issue too, but after downloading same zip again, all is working fine.
Because Mimic SlimStar focuses and using only list views (except for pictures), I've decided to totally separate list view (as "big list") and slim list view (as just a "list"). Now can change these list views under the sidebar's "View" option. This change will allow for example to use list view for music and big list view for movies and TV-shows. Before skin didn't have choice to use somewhere one list view and elsewhere other list view.

If somebody using SlimStar mod and will find some bugs from my mods, please let me know.
Love the skin on my Pi. When you update, do we get a auto update?
(2015-01-20, 18:08)misa Wrote: Love the skin on my Pi. When you update, do we get a auto update?
Glad to hear You like it Smile
Right now You have to update manually from git. Maybe in future You can auto update, but no any promises. I just start modifying less than a week ago and this is my first mod Wink
Experimental function added for better touchscreen support - touching left edge of screen (or hovering with mouse), side menu opens. It closing when losing focus.
Download latest version from GitHub:
More touchscreen mods are coming in near future.

UPDATE: Just found a bug - add-on browser page is empty after some changes, only top and bottom bar are visible. I will check and repair this issue tomorrow.
Add-on browser blank screen issue is now fixed.
Is it possible to set all on Big List?
(2015-01-21, 11:05)misa Wrote: Think your zip is incorrect. Not possible to update
Github packing project to zip for download, not me. I had few problems too with downloaded zip when updating skin in another computer, but only few. Redownload has always fixing this issue.

I just downloaded latest version from Github and to me zip is working fine. I really don't know, why You have so many problems with downloaded zip, but i uploaded latest tested zip to another place:

Which browser You're using to download zip from GitHub?

UPDATE: I'm glad You solved it Smile Redownload helps?

(2015-01-21, 11:05)misa Wrote: Is it possible to set all on Big List?
I don't understand, what are You mean exactly? Do You want to set all window views to Big List together?
Yes, you can have list option in the menu and big list (small or bigger) I like to see them as a big list

So layout is Big list. After the last update everything is set to small list
(2015-01-21, 11:37)misa Wrote: Yes, you can have list option in the menu and big list (small or bigger) I like to see them as a big list
You have to set all views manually to Big List in first time, then Kodi remembers Your selections. Last update separates List and Big List views totally, You can't select Big List view for all windows with one option as before, sorry. Because List view is set to default view, You see after update all windows in List view by default.

With separated view options user can set List view for some windows and Big List view for other Windows. Before was only option to set all windows to List view or all windows to Big List view.

This change was necessary for future mod development, I hope You will understand.

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