Acess raw video frames before HW decoder
Sory my english.

I find open source project LightPack (analog Philips Ambilight):
Work algoritm:
Soft for windows Capture Screen analise zone and send info to controler, controler on/off led.

Main problem (question):
You can get a frame from the playing video for later analysis?

To clarify the issue.
Suppose I want to develop a plug-in (or change source code) that will receive uncompressed frames is that possible?
Goes without saying, this method should work with hardware accelerated video.
Subsequent operations (analysis of the frame, sending commands to the device, etc.) is not important.

a snapshot, maybe if the video is not rendered to a separate video plane. But capture full raw frames ? you really need to do the math and look at the bandwidth required for capturing full raw RGB or YUV video frames.

Also, check out the boblight addon, it already does this.
Thanks for the reply!
Yes, I agree that the "full raw RGB" the "big" bandwidth required.
In fact, a full frame is not needed, need access to the video buffer from which to read the required fields?
Access to the video buffer would be the ideal solution for in this case, you can select only such as every third frame, and if you read some of the buffer will not be problem with perfomance.

Your example Boblight takes flow from "Capture device" is not exactly what I need.

Maybe I'm not correctly formulate the question and choose not true method (Full frame analyse). The fact is that programming for android for me a new direction. Simple (standard) operation implemented in API, I understand, but the work at such a low level (Hardware decoding) for me too complex. I want to know whether it is possible to implement this functionality at least in theory and implementation of an exemplary method for that would mean the direction in which to move.

If you have time to read the description of the project, watch the video, you may also be interested in this device. I've seen it in my life (PC version) and it's great!

this is just the same as Boblight. not sure what you are trying to do that's different.
Python scripts in XBMC can use a rendercapture to get videoframes from the renderer, this way no decoder access is needed and it always works no matter what decoder is in use, as long as it goes through the renderer the addon can grab it.
Sadly not all decoders go through the renderer, for example the hardware decoder on the raspberry pi writes to the display directly.
Have any of you any idea if by using OpenMAX or OpenGLES the frames can be captured directly from the hardware decoder on the raspberry pi?

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Acess raw video frames before HW decoder 0