Any way/addon to open an RTSP camera on Kodi 19?
Hi, I've read all around, there was an addon working with Kodi 18 but with 19 no way, does somebody knows any way to show it?
In particular I need it on my android TV, as I know there is only one program easy to use, press and see the stream, IPTV Cam Pro, but it's for money. Alternatively there is VLC, but needed to browse the playlist.. not great for my old relatives, and MXlayer but it doesn't save any playlist or play it quickly (good player with bad support).

Kodi seams intuitive.. if there will be a plugin for videosurveillance..
Thanks for your suggestions
(2022-11-16, 22:21)GiovanniG Wrote: Hi, I've read all around, there was an addon working with Kodi 18 but with 19 no way, does somebody knows any way to show it?
In particular I need it on my android TV, as I know there is only one program easy to use, press and see the stream, IPTV Cam Pro, but it's for money. Alternatively there is VLC, but needed to browse the playlist.. not great for my old relatives, and MXlayer but it doesn't save any playlist or play it quickly (good player with bad support).

Kodi seams intuitive.. if there will be a plugin for videosurveillance..
Thanks for your suggestions
maybe this will help
Thank you for answer, I?ve already tried it and doesn't wrok, probably it has difficulties with rtsp url cotaning user and password, I don't know, the url works with VLC.
So we don't have any oprion right?
I've tried to open in kodi the m3u containing rtsp but is not supported
(2022-11-17, 11:38)GiovanniG Wrote: Thank you for answer, I?ve already tried it and doesn't wrok, probably it has difficulties with rtsp url cotaning user and password, I don't know, the url works with VLC.
So we don't have any oprion right?
I've tried to open in kodi the m3u containing rtsp but is not supported

Instead of making a .m3u file, have u tried making a .strm file , with the eg RTSP://UserName:password@IPAddress:RtspPort/+rest_of_ the_url inside the file

Then add the file directory to video source which contains the .strm file. Then go to that file and try to play it , or go to the filemanger and click on the filename.strm file
Yes I've tried also with another camera rtsp, both irl works perfectly on VLAN. I guess this is not possible to open an rtsp on Kodi
Kodi 19 doesn't support RTSP, Kodi 20 does, but addons I use aren't ready for it

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Any way/addon to open an RTSP camera on Kodi 19?0