Certain channels work in WMC but not in KODI
I thought it was my cable provider because the DIY channel, HGTV, NatGeo, and a couple of other channels just stopped working one day.  Yesterday, when setting up EPG123 to get guide listings back, I had to go through the whole CableCard setup routine in WMC again.  Once that was done, I clicked on the DIY channel just for giggles.  To my astonishment, it worked!  I booted up KODI (XBMC 12.1 - super old - I know, but I don't particularly like change when something works), but the same issue with most channels working but not DIY (or the others).  I then switched over to my ShieldTV with the latest version of KODI (Leia 18.5 - See... I'm not totally behind the times), and it didn't work there either.

I went into ServerWMC and changed the setting for "Stream live channels using DLNA" to true.  At that point, no channels would load on either the XBMC machine or KODI on the ShieldTV.  So, I have no idea how to make that work.  I figured that it wouldn't work on the XBMC machine, but I did expect it to work on the ShieldTV running the latest version of KODI.

So, two questions... how do I get DLNA working, and why can WMC play a channel that nothing else can?  By the way, I also cannot play those particular channels using the HDHomeRun app on the ShieldTV nor do they work using the HDHomeRun VIEW program on my PC.  I have an HDHomeRun Prime with a cable company provided CableCard.  Really strange to me that the program developed by the same company that makes the hardware cannot play the channel, but WMC can.

I'm at a loss.
What you are describing sounds like there is DRM on these channels from your broadcaster.  If so, only wmc has the decrypt capability to play those channels - which describes what you are seeing perfectly.  However it seems crazy to me that they would put DRM on those particular channels.  Wouldn't know for sure unless I looked at a log file.  As for DLNA mode, it never really worked well in Kodi pvr and has been turned off in serverwmc (although you are probably running an ancient version of serverwmc, so that may not explain it, but still... don't use it).
Windows Media Center PVR addon (pvr.wmc) and server backend (ServerWMC)
Awesome!  Thanks for explaining that to me.  Now I can give up and feel good about it!  Ha!

I was annoyed that Microsoft killed the guide on the 1st.  I would have thought more toward the end of the month, but alas, I was wrong.  Spent the time to get EPG123 going (which was relatively painless), and thought that I was back to normal.  Then I had to go and poke the bear by trying the DIY channel.  That sent me on another 3-4 hour goose chase.  The DRM makes perfect sense.  When I try to play the channel on XBMC or KODI, I just get scrambled junk that continuously buffers.  I had actually thought that maybe the cable company (Mediacom btw) marked them as "watch only" or whatever so that they couldn't be recorded.  Then realized that WMC actually starts a recording and passes that file to KODI (which makes sense when you consider that you can rewind).  Thought that DLNA might make the channels work since they would be streamed instead of recording, and giving up the rewind capability might have been worth it.

Thanks again!

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Certain channels work in WMC but not in KODI0