Solved extremely long statup time for Kodi 21 using MariaDB
Probably other users experienced the same issue. Here is how I solved this.
I m using a MariaDB instance to store my video database. Over the past years I never had an issue with this when updating Kodi - except with the recent version 21. The installation went fine, a new database was created (MyVideos131) but then it took up to 5 minutes until Kodi was usable (responsive). In the debug logs this could be seen just as a time gap between two loglines - so no log output during that time.

As I am using 4 different KODI clients (WIN10, Librelec, Firestick and an Andriod TV) and all had the same issue after the update to version 21, I focussed on the common components.
Those are a TvHeadend server and the common database (only the Windows 10 client has write access here)

I turned out that the issue was related to the database. As there were some older MyVideosnn databases I deleted the old databases except the 2 latest but the result was even worse. At least I now knew that the database caused the problem.
Solution: delete all MyVideonn databases and let Kodi recreate one from scratch
This also solved another issue. When closing KODI via the 'official way' (press Button and select 'Verlassen' in the appearing menue)  it took more than a minute until KODI really closed. After creating the new database it is now 2 seconds.
When closing KODI via the Window-Close method (pressing the X) the window was closed immediately, but there was still a KODI task running for the same time (and Kodi coud not be opened again during that time).

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extremely long statup time for Kodi 21 using MariaDB0