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Release plugin.video.themoviedb.helper - Access to TheMovieDb API for Skinners
Hi @jurialmunkey
May I ask you if you can add a function where you can preload the blurred element in the "Blur Monitor" service monitor, because now it sometimes takes even a seconds to show the blurred background of the image.

In this way when you move from element to another (in a list) everything will be much more fluid, without blocks.
or if somehow it can also be enabled for the element not in focus, by placing it in item layout, because at the moment it doesn't work, it always shows the blurred background of the element in focus.
Furthermore this can also help your skins a lot.

Thank you very much for your constant work and I will continue to support you.
If i helped you, you can thank me with a thumbs up 👍 below, thanks 🙏.
Kodi 20.x stable release | Skin Confluence (by Jezz_X)
I like editing skins ❤
I am modifying my 'custom nextaired widget' within Aeon Nox: Silvo as my current one is using Skin.Helper.Service.Widgets which don't adjust to my time zone.
I have managed to get this working, which is awesome, but would appreciate some help on the artwork.

I have selected to use my local database, however it is still coming up with the logos that I assume have been scraped from TheMovieDB rather than my local artwork.
Am I missing something in calling this local artwork within the skin (at the moment am calling the artwork using $INFO[ListItem.Art(clearlogo)].

The main reason for this is if managing to call local artwork, I wish to use banners.
I'm trying the following texture command: <texture background="true">$INFO[ListItem.Art(banner)]</texture>, which is not bringing anything through - which I assume as above is because it is calling the plugin artwork scraped where banners aren't included.

Any help is appreciated (if needed I am currently running this on Omega 21.0)
I've found a bug in translation function for title and plot of episode - function for players return title and plot for tvshow instead of episode when use prefix of language. (For movies works ok.)
I use such a configuration (fragment):

    "api_language": "en-US",
    "language": "pl",
    "play_movie":     "plugin://plugin.video.xxx/?action=play&title={title_url+}&localtitle={pl_title_url+}&year={year}&imdb={imdb}&tmdb={tmdb}&originalname={originaltitle_url+}&plot={pl_plot_url+}",
    "play_episode":   "plugin://plugin.video.xxx/?action=play&title={title_url+}&localtitle={pl_title_url+}&tvshowtitle={showname_url+}&localtvshowtitle={pl_showname_url+}&year={year}&season={season}&episode={episode}&tmdb={tmdb}&imdb={imdb}&epimdb={epimdb}&originalname={originaltitle_url+}&plot={pl_plot_url+}",
So tags {pl_title} and {pl_plot} are works wrong in such case.
I see ListItem.Property(Air_Time) near the bottom of the TV show section in Detailed item.

Does that only work for the calendar area or is there a setting I might need to enable? It is always empty for me in the library.

Thanks Smile
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plugin.video.themoviedb.helper - Access to TheMovieDb API for Skinners2