(Feature Request) Auto Hide pause overlay?
(2014-12-04, 22:56)jingai Wrote: I could read the currently selected region code

I tried that first, but couldn't find it. If you know it, let me know. Cool
Using a NUC7PJYHN and a 2820FYKH0 Intel NUC running LibreELEC, and two FireTVs.:)
I figured it'd be exposed to skins, but perhaps not.

I don't intend to actually do this anyway.. as noted, there are a lot of different formats and I don't think it's necessary to support them all when we have something like the ISO international format available.

Working As Intended, in other words Wink
I like solving problems, it's the motivation behind 99% of what I do, so it started out with trying to make it automatic via local.country, then rather than admit defeat, I just made it selectable. Undecided Being included the official build is always cool, but not why I do it (very obvious to anyone that ever saw the rarely seen 4th home screen "Carousel Menu" which looked more out of place in Metropolis than a long-tailed cat in a rocking-chair store.)

I just found it odd that there is no way for a skin to get anything raw other than a Bool from the settings. Kodi completely lacks a System.GetString(locale.country) function, oh there's a System.GetBool(input.mouse) function, but nothing else. Skin.Setting() surprisingly doesn't tell you system settings.

Believe me when I tell you I looked.
Using a NUC7PJYHN and a 2820FYKH0 Intel NUC running LibreELEC, and two FireTVs.:)
Yeah, I had forgotten if there was or not.

But.. again, I don't view this as a problem, but rather a design decision. Supporting one alternative (US) just leaves the door open for more requests like it.. and ISO international format already solved this problem..
I make crazy Metropolis "features" all the time. Big Grin
One time I applied the "Ken Burns Effect" to every window just to mess with my wife, I mean the whole window. I made it really subtle too, like 2 zoom and 2 slide and 3 rotate with like 50000ms times. She just kept say "You don't see it it? It's moving, I swear, Look! You really don't see it?" It was really hard to keep a straight face. I just kept saying "What are you talking about? Where? I don't see anything." Devil
Using a NUC7PJYHN and a 2820FYKH0 Intel NUC running LibreELEC, and two FireTVs.:)
HAHAHA that is awesome! My wife will be around shortly to beat you up after I steal your idea....
Should be something like:
<animation effect="zoom" start="100" end="103" center="auto" time="50000" tween="cubic" easing="inout" pulse="true" condition="!Skin.HasSetting(animation_bg)">Conditional</animation>
<animation effect="slide" start="-2,-2" end="2,2" time="50000" tween="cubic" easing="inout" pulse="true" condition="!Skin.HasSetting(animation_bg)">Conditional</animation>
<animation effect="rotate" center="1920,1080" start="-2" end="2" time="50000" tween="cubic" easing="inout" pulse="true" condition="!Skin.HasSetting(animation_bg)">Conditional</animation>

The above is a recreation, so it might need some tweeking. Don't forget to do the Nav window too. Smile
Using a NUC7PJYHN and a 2820FYKH0 Intel NUC running LibreELEC, and two FireTVs.:)
@ MacGyver

Just to confirm the "Date Format" option will be in your Mod build correct?
Like I said, I do lots of things just to see if I can, and that hodge-podge doesn't have good flow. The official skin is usually nice and clean.
So yes, it is in my personal one, but it most likely will never end up in the official. I write up things, and sometimes that code is inline with what the official guys have in mind, and so it can save them from having to re-invent the wheel. The reason I don't have a "Insert Skin Name Here" skin, is because I have no artistic talent and it would most likely be forever unfinished, have 150 settings and 40 views. I'll let the artistic folks make the design choices, and just continue to entertain myself with my personal version, and because I believe in sharing it will always be public. (but remember no support, and be warned, I drink while I write Smile )

Here is just an example of a recent alcohol fueled coding session.

Using a NUC7PJYHN and a 2820FYKH0 Intel NUC running LibreELEC, and two FireTVs.:)
(2014-12-08, 20:33)MacGyver Wrote: Like I said, I do lots of things just to see if I can, and that hodge-podge doesn't have good flow. The official skin is usually nice and clean.
So yes, it is in my personal one, but it most likely will never end up in the official. I write up things, and sometimes that code is inline with what the official guys have in mind, and so it can save them from having to re-invent the wheel. The reason I don't have a "Insert Skin Name Here" skin, is because I have no artistic talent and it would most likely be forever unfinished, have 150 settings and 40 views. I'll let the artistic folks make the design choices, and just continue to entertain myself with my personal version, and because I believe in sharing it will always be public. (but remember no support, and be warned, I drink while I write Smile )

Here is just an example of a recent alcohol fueled coding session.


For the fun of it I installed your Mod build until the official one with all the new features is ready.

But where did the glass theme go? And also I can not seem to remove or add items on the Home Menu.
Well you need to have script.skinshortcuts installed already, normally it wouldn't even work without it installed, but I figured installing it manually might leave someone high and dry, nice to see you at least have menus. So that did work. You need to install script.skinshortcuts from the repostitory or download it from Unfledged's Git and manually install it. (By the way, I installed EVERY submenu I could think of, that way I wouldn't have to add them manually, I just delete the ones I don't want. Resetting the menu defaults will bring them all back.)

I added the missing (compiled) themes now, they end in .xbt and are in media. BTW, if the skin was zipped up and then installed the correct way, the script.skinshortcuts would be installed as a dependency automatically, but a Git isn't a very good distribution point for a skin.

EDIT: Just get it from here and use "install from zip" in addon settings.
Using a NUC7PJYHN and a 2820FYKH0 Intel NUC running LibreELEC, and two FireTVs.:)
Hey guys Smile

Just wanted to let you guys know that with MacGyver latest Mod build when you make the Repeat button the "Default" button it does not allow you to highlight and select other buttons on the OSD menu. I know making the Repeat button default is one of the new additions but at least in MacGyver Mod build it is causing issues with the OSD menu. Just wanted to let you know in case you were not aware of this so you can perhaps fix it for the official release if that one also has this issue.

This bug also will not allow you to change the repeat setting once the first setting is selected I think. So for example If you make the repeat button default it could get stuck on repeat all and would not allow you to change it to repeat 1.

Hopefully I am explaining this correctly for you guys Smile
Um, press it once, it turns orange and changes the icon to A (all), press it again, it will stay orange and the icon will change to 1 (repeat once), press it one last time, it will turn back to white, and denote nothing (off). It even will tell up top just what pressing it is going to do.

Now, like I said in the readme file, it will set up MY settings on the first boot, and I turn on "one button OSD subtitles", this means that when you press menu, the cursor will default to being on the subtitle button, and pressing it will turn the subtitles off/on. You can turn this off/on in settings, and once off, it will allow you to select whatever default you want.


EDIT: Dude you are right, it does get stuck when you set the repeat button as the default and then press it (something I never thought to try). I'll look into it, and post up the changes when fixed. Smile

EDIT:EDIT: Fixed. Commit.

Like I said before, I drink at night.
Using a NUC7PJYHN and a 2820FYKH0 Intel NUC running LibreELEC, and two FireTVs.:)
Happy I could help.

Thanks Smile

Hey I found another small issue with your build.

OSD Commend Labels are wrong for the Repeat button.

Repeat button "A" says One

Repeat Button "1" says Off

Repeat Button "None" All

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(Feature Request) Auto Hide pause overlay?0