Solved Live TV Sound 'Bending'
I'm using Debian Testing with MythTV as a backend for PVR and Live TV. Recently background music seems to bend/stretch in its pitch; something not occurring in library videos or external players. I've tried playing with sampling rates of the input streams and changing the audio between Pulse etc, to no avail. Where should I start in troubleshooting?

Edit: There is no sound distortion if I also play back my .ts files in an external player.
Here's a long shot that seemed to have helped me. Try setting pitch threshold to 0 in settings-system-audio. I'd say this would only effect sped-up material and if changed, a higher value would be safer, but after setting it to zero my ears are no longer tormented Wink
I'll give it a go and report back!
Interestingly, that seems to have done it. Not sure how that setting has impacted here, but appreciate the help!
Yeah, a bit weird that it would impact untouched audio streams, but I don't miss the chipmunks one bit. Glad it worked for you as well Smile

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