Radio channels working but not TV
I have Kodi version 20.1 working on Android 8.1 installed on an Asus Tinkerboard.
I have Tvheadend installed on a Raspberry Pi 4 running Raspberry Pi OS Lite
I can administer TVHeadend, and view the TV channels on my computer which runs Linux Mint 21.1
I have set up the Kodi app, and the TV and Radio tabs have appeared.
The radio channels work fine.
The TV channels are listed (including the correct local channels) but do not play.
The HD channels seem to buffer with the "working" symbol showing, The SD channels seem go to the player (with channel info) but do not work.There is no video or sound.
Please, anyone any ideas what the problem might be, I presume it will be my settings on the backend.
Many thanks if you can help me
Please let me know if you need any info.
Try and produce a debug log (wiki)
It will help to see what's going on.

Hi Atreyu
Thanks for the reply.
I updated to android version 20.2
I installed the logfile uploader and turned on debug logging.
When I come out of the tv program it kills the kodi.
So I configured the uploader to send the previous logfile.
When I restarted Kodi and tried to send the logfile, I got the message the file was too large limit 1MB.
how do I send the log?
A logfile that big is not a good sign.
Try and use a pastebin site that allows bigger files. Also, restart Kodi before reproducing the issue.
Hi Atreyu,
So I looked for a pastebin site to take larger files, I could only find sites with a smaller limit than Kodi.

I then thought I would view the logfile myself, and see if I could understand anything within it.
What I did see was that almost all of the file was repeating, so I thought I would try to view a channel and then immediately stop it.
The file generated which then became kodi.old.log when I restarted was accepted by the uploader.
Hope that is helpful.
Link is

Thanks yet again
“I have set up the Kodi app, and the TV and Radio tabs have appeared.”

What device have you set up the Kodi App on. If I’m guessing correctly it’s on the Asus Tinkerboard running Android 8.1. If so ensure your streaming settings are set correctly on it.

While running Kodi in Android try disabling hardware acceleration if it is enabled and see if that makes any difference. It definitely sounds like your stream settings in Kodi on Android are set incorrectly though.
Hi Petediscrete,
My apologies I missed your post, I thought I had my account set up to get an email when there was a post.
Thanks very much for this, it has indeed fixed the problem.
I did have hardware acceleration turned on, perhaps it is the default setting?
Anyway many thanks
(2023-09-22, 08:06)JimHd Wrote: Hi Petediscrete,
My apologies I missed your post, I thought I had my account set up to get an email when there was a post.
Thanks very much for this, it has indeed fixed the problem.
I did have hardware acceleration turned on, perhaps it is the default setting?
Anyway many thanks

Well you are now able to view video by disabling hardware acceleration so you’ll probably need to set up the TVH profile as passthrough and adjust the streaming settings in the Kodi PVR client to reflect this in order to get the benefit of hardware acceleration on your Android device. What model of Android device are you using.

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Radio channels working but not TV0