Annoying delay if pause & resume
Hi, I'm using Kodi 19.4 on Mac, but wondering if Windows users have the same issue. When pausing and resuming video there is a little delay (or muting) that eats some words and makes sentences not fully recognizable. It's very annoying Sad There is nothing similar on any other video player, only in Kodi. I'm sure it's because it's cross-platform and uses a different sound-processing algorithm, perhaps it avoids the standard system audio driver algorithm. Is there a way, how to fix that problem? Thanks!
Using Leia; there appears to be a very slight under .01 sec interruption, so slight that continued in process words would be regarded as a lisp from someone blind folded. It's a tad more pronounced with Matrix and Nexus depending on what the audio format is (I didn't try all of them). I do use the add-on Add-on:Unpause Jumpback (wiki) in default mode. Suggest you investigate, the settings allow for different timings and may offer a solution. 

Not sure what the response would be in the Mac forums, but you might want to check data flow, I would have thought an active larger cache should handle this.

I can't call this a bug in the windows forum, so I'll remove the red flag tag.
On CoreELEC the muted phase is around 3-5 seconds (Kodi 20)
(2022-09-11, 17:38)HeresJohnny Wrote: CoreELEC the muted phase is around 3-5 seconds
Sounds like a hardware dependency issue, might be mitigated with a cache adjustment. In all cases (even without issues) I do recommend Add-on:Unpause Jumpback (wiki), a lot of people have unreal expectations with the file transport mechanism at the point of handling medias files with low memory and limited processors, as if it was a video editing deck.
(2022-09-11, 22:42)PatK Wrote:
(2022-09-11, 17:38)HeresJohnny Wrote: CoreELEC the muted phase is around 3-5 seconds
Sounds like a hardware dependency issue, might be mitigated with a cache adjustment. In all cases (even without issues) I do recommend Add-on:Unpause Jumpback (wiki), a lot of people have unreal expectations with the file transport mechanism at the point of handling medias files with low memory and limited processors, as if it was a video editing deck.

Jumpback / lookback features are handy for a number of reasons, including this.  I often found when I was watching something and I paused it I wanted to backup the last few seconds just before I paused to make sure I didn't miss anything.   I added a 0-30 second option for Mezzmo Kodi addon users a couple years ago for this reason.  Very handy capability.

Running with the Mezzmo Kodi addon.  The easier way to share your media with multiple Kodi clients.
Service.autostop , CBC Sports, Kodi Selective Cleaner and Mezzmo Kodi addon author.
Many thanks for all your suggestions. But in my opinion, this is anyway very strange behavior of Kodi. I tested both with wired and wireless headphones, on a MacBook with High Sierra as well as on Hackintosh with Monterey and that annoying delay appears even through MacBook speakers. It's also very strange to use an add-on to compensate for the unwanted sound delay in such a popular application. I'm sure that among native macOS applications there is no single app having the same issue. Listening to the same second of just heard phrase after pausing and resuming with the add-on is also not very pleasant.
(2022-10-20, 22:25)e1Deus Wrote: tested both with wired and wireless headphones, on a MacBook with High Sierra as well as on Hackintosh with Monterey
This is the windows support forum, I'm a little fish out of water here. As mentioned in post #2, I do see the issue faintly, but don't see it as a game stopper by any means. Suggest you take the issue to the Mac area of this site, perhaps others will be able to chime in with some solutions other than what has been discussed in this thread. As a final observation, I rarely pause the ongoing and jump-back handles this issue well, and wonder what content requires continual breaks to make this a vital issue.
Video courses and educational videos. Is it possible somehow to move the whole thread to the Mac branch of the forum to avoid duplicating of the topic? Thanks.

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Annoying delay if pause & resume0