Metropolis and Kodi Omega
Hi !

I'm a french fan of this Amazing skin !

With my nvidia shield tv pro, it works fine.

It's for me the best skin ever.

But since i'm on Omega Metropolis doesn't work anymore....

Is there a chance for an new version ?

or something do to to fix the problem ?

Anyway thanks a lot for your piece of art.

Thanks a lot !

Metropolis is back on my screen.

It seems that "playlist" is the only one who doesn't work anymore now.
I will try to look into it, I didn't think anyone was going to install it from my repo. (I pushed a merge to Jingai)
If that's the case I need to group the images into an single file and make a more proper release file. (that will still need to be installed manually)

I'll see if I can look at the playlist, can you be more specific or maybe include an image?
Using a NUC7PJYHN and a 2820FYKH0 Intel NUC running LibreELEC, and two FireTVs.:)
Thanks for your answer.

In fact, the playlist "favoris" still remain empty, even when some titles were added on it.

It doesn't work.

As I said your skin is the best of the best for me.

The new option 'search' (rechercher) is really a good one for a fast search & found (comme une aiguille dans une botte de foin in french !!).
I add my gratitude to Metropolis developers for keeping it working.
I'm used to it and after testing others -more modern, hi-res, with more thingies- I always came back home.
Should I be seeing Metropolis in the list of available skins for Omega?  It's listed as compatible with 21 on the wiki, and shows up in  Definitely wishing I didn't have my shields set to auto-update at this point. Metropolis is, in my opinion, the best skin there is for Kodi.  I definitely want to say thank you to the work the people who work on it do.

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