Kodi v21 Omega
Is there a way to install Kodi v21 on a Pi4 with Bookworm (Lite)?

I have tried with Flatpak, but it seems that the package being downloaded is for amd64 only.

Any help appreciated
I have built deb files for Kodi 21 for bookworm, but I need to work out how to provide them.
It's not trivial with apt to include both kodi 20 and kodi 21 in the repo.
And removing kodi 20 for kodi 21 may be too soon at this (21.0) stage.
Quote:I have tried with Flatpak, but it seems that the package being downloaded is for amd64 only.

The Flatpak is also provided for aarch64 if you have that.
Thank you.

But believe RPi is 'arm64'
But if aarch64 and arm64 are equivalent, I wonder what I do wrong.
I did this:

Installed Flatpak:

sudo apt install flatpak
flatpak remote-add --if-not-exists flathub https://dl.flathub.org/repo/flathub.flatpakrepo

Installed the Kodi v21 Flatpak:

flatpak install flathub tv.kodi.Kodi

But when I try to start Kodi with:

flatpak run tv.kodi.Kodi

I get:

app/tv.kodi.Kodi/x86_64/master not installed
(2024-04-13, 20:27)popcornmix Wrote: I have built deb files for Kodi 21 for bookworm, but I need to work out how to provide them.
It's not trivial with apt to include both kodi 20 and kodi 21 in the repo.
And removing kodi 20 for kodi 21 may be too soon at this (21.0) stage.

Any chance you can share the deb files for Kodi 21?
I've tried building them for bookworm (Pi5) but ran into issues I couldn't figure out.

I got flatpak version running by launching using "flatpak run --filesystem=/run/udev:ro --arch=aarch64 --command=kodi tv.kodi.Kodi"
It did not accept any keyboard input without specifying --filesystem=/run/udev:ro. Found hint for resolving it in https://github.com/flathub/tv.kodi.Kodi/issues/228
Still have not managed to get HDMI CEC working in flatpak version and there seems to be some other limitations as well. Hopefully there will be Kodi 21 deb package available soon.
Kodi 21 for RPiOS bookworm is available through apt.
See forum post.

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Kodi v21 Omega0