How to access Favourites
Hi, using mentioned tutorial I got the Rapier skin working on Kodi v21 Omega. But unfortunately I have one more problem, which is the display of Favorites. I am not able to access them in Rapier in any way. Does anyone have any ideas on how to make this work?
(2024-04-09, 20:49)mpavlis Wrote: Rapier skin
I've moved your post to the correct forum.
@Gade will need to advise you.
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(2024-04-09, 20:49)mpavlis Wrote: Hi, using mentioned tutorial I got the Rapier skin working on Kodi v21 Omega. But unfortunately I have one more problem, which is the display of Favorites. I am not able to access them in Rapier in any way. Does anyone have any ideas on how to make this work?
While bumping the addon.xml will let you load the skin it doesn't mean everything is going to work as there were a lot of skin changes.
Thanks a lot, guys. It's probably gonna take some intervention from the gade, because there's gonna be a lot of changes. I love this skin, and even after all these years I haven't found another that even comes close. Unfortunately, it looks like there's no activity anywhere to be seen since Kodi v19 according to github, so I just hope that gade hasn't given up and that I won't be forced to migrate to some other skin. I'll be hoping..
Thanks so much guys for all the support and kind words.
I really appreciate it.

Sorry for not being active for a very long time.
I'm crazy busy at the moment.

I plan to update Rapier with all changes, but have no time for this right now.
Favourites need to be updated to work correctly in Omega.

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