Adding TTML subtitles with different URL from stream URL
Hello IA devs,

I recently learned from the release notes that IA appears to support TTML subtitles. That's great as it would remove the need to convert TTML for Kodi. However, I have a few questions on how to use TTML subtitles in IA. If any of these are answered in the Wiki, and I simply didn't read enough, feel free to refer me to RTFM. Angel
  1. From which version does IA support TTML subtitles? Is it only on Omega? Also on Nexus? What about Matrix? For your understanding: The add-on I refer to is currently on the Matrix repo, so I try to keep it compatible with as many Kodi releases as possible.
  2. In the case of this add-on, there is two URLs, one for the video and audio stream and another for the subtitles. Can I just set the subtitle URL similar to the stream using listitem.setProperty? If not, what is the recommended way in this case?
  3. The TTML format supplied in my case is in XML. I assume that is supported by IA. If not, kindly let me know which format is supported.
Thanks a lot in advance!
ISAdaptive format compatibility details are here:
If the wiki does not specify the kodi version of some component/feature means that is supported by all Kodi versions

> In the case of this add-on, there is two URLs, one for the video and audio stream and another for the subtitles. Can I just set the subtitle URL similar to the stream using listitem.setProperty? If not, what is the recommended way in this case?

2 ways come to my mind:
1) hard road, modify the stream manifest on the fly
to add additionals subtitles on a stream manifest, you need to use a proxy to change manifest data on the fly
is not guaranteed to always be feasible, it depends various factors, such as: type of manifest, file format, source of files...etc

2) add subtitles with
ListItem setSubtitles
i think some addons use this property to add external subtitles
but personally never tried it
Dev-Maintainer of InputStream Adaptive add-on, Netflix add-on ▫ Skills Python, C#, VB.NET and a bit of C++

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Adding TTML subtitles with different URL from stream URL0