Android Offline install - possible? dependency on version 1.0.14
Hi folks

I need to install vfs.rar on an arm based tv box that must remain disconnected from the internet (it immediately tries to do an Android update when connected which I need to avoid as it removes functionality I rely on)

When trying to install the addon I get an error message “the dependency on version 1.0.14 could not be satisfied"

Is there any way around this? I'm using 19.3

Thanks a lot
I am looking online at the moment.. for where I found the nightly add-ons... If you are still out there looking for an answer.. I have several android boxes.. 32 and 64 but.. I could grab the files you need from one of those.. then you can just copy paste the files in place where you need them to be.

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Offline install - possible? dependency on version 1.0.140