How to install Rapier on Omega ?
Thanks Gade, totally understand and appreciate the effort you put in to your work on this. Happy to say we have a temporary fix, and look forward to your next release when it comes.
Re my post #14 - forgot to add that it still needs addon.xml updated from

    <import addon="xbmc.gui" version="5.15.0"/>
    <import addon="xbmc.gui" version="5.17.0"/>
been using only this skin for years...please continue the good work  Big Grin
(2024-05-16, 07:04)phunzoid Wrote: been using only this skin for years...please continue the good work  Big Grin

what can be done so that you have more time for Rapier?
Since Rapier is the best interface and I've been using it for years, I'm eagerly waiting for the update for Omega.
(2024-05-17, 19:52)ClausMM Wrote:
(2024-05-16, 07:04)phunzoid Wrote: been using only this skin for years...please continue the good work  Big Grin

what can be done so that you have more time for Rapier?
Since Rapier is the best interface and I've been using it for years, I'm eagerly waiting for the update for Omega.

From Gade's other replies, it sounds like he's busy with real life (perhaps job and/or family stuff), so there's nothing we can do except patiently wait for his time to be freed up naturally.  At least there's already a way to get it mostly working with Omega.  Plus, there's no real need to update from Nexus at this point.

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How to install Rapier on Omega ?0