Kodi v21 "Omega" Beta 3 Mediaportal
Hello everyone, I hope I'm posting in the right section.. given that this is a problem that in my opinion affects Omega beta 3, I decided to post here. Let me start by saying that I didn't have any problems with beta 2. Omega beta 3 gives me problems with viewing the TV. I use its specific plugin to connect to the Mediaportal backend.
I attach the log file.
No it wasn't in the right section.

If issue is with TV using the Mediaportal client then this area I've moved the post to is the correct area for all things related to Mediaportal.
Ok.. That's fine for me, but the problem is not given by the Mediaporta but by Omega's beta3. I thought it was appropriate to put it there to make it more visible to the developers.
(2024-03-03, 23:47)marcopt Wrote: but the problem is not given by the Mediaporta but by Omega's beta3

the Kodi developers are not going to investigate Mediaportal (or any 3rd party addon) issues so that's why when having an issue with such an addon you need to go to the developer of your addon

during that developer's investigation they will determine whether or not it is their addon or Kodi
if they determine Kodi is broken beyond what they can overcome from the addon then they would initiate support with Kodi on your behalf (typically on github)
It could be the addon client is not compatible with something that that changed in Beta 3 and so the addon needs updating. But you've not actually described what problems you are having.
Apparently everything works, I have the list of channels, the icons and the EPG, I can easily scroll through the entire list of my channels... but when I select one the two wheels in the center of the screen start to turn and the system remains waiting for a few seconds and then stops, as if I had pressed stop
In short, the channel display does not start
Is there any news regarding my post above?.. Thanks.
You should open an issue for the add-on: https://github.com/kodi-pvr/pvr.mediapor...ver/issues
Could be something related to the ffmpeg update in v21 to that the add-on needs to adapt.
(2024-03-06, 19:56)ksooo Wrote: You should open an issue for the add-on

who's addon is this?
i see it's in the xbmc github but i thought it was from team-mediaportal.com
does team kodi provide the addon and support or is it mediaportal?
(2024-03-06, 21:30)izprtxqkft Wrote:
(2024-03-06, 19:56)ksooo Wrote: You should open an issue for the add-on

who's addon is this?
i see it's in the xbmc github but i thought it was from team-mediaportal.com
does team kodi provide the addon and support or is it mediaportal?

Definitely not mediaportal. The original author of the addon seems not to be active anymore. Team kodi tries to keep the addon functioning. But as always with open source, there is no guarantee that somebody will pick up the issue.
[font][font]Ciao a tutti e grazie per la disponibilità, per cercare di capire da quale versione sono partiti i problemi con Mediaportal... sono andato a scaricare e installare le varie versioni pubblicate di Kodi 21 omega fino alla più vecchia disponibile" https://mirrors . kodi.tv/nightlies/windows/win64/master/KodiSetup-20240126-b104e068-master-x64.exe", ma il problema si verifica anche in questa versione, quindi non sono riuscito a individuare da dove inizia a verificarsi il problema. [/font][font]Ho provato a segnalare su "https://github.com/xbmc/xbmc/issues" come mi era stato consigliato qualche post sopra, ma lo ritengo troppo complicato per le mie capacità e per evitare confusione ho rinunciato. [/font][font]Non resta altro da fare che tornare a Kodi 21 omega beta 2, sperando che le cose possano cambiare in futuro. [/font][/font]

[font][font]Grazie ancora a tutti, Marco.[/font][/font]

I have the exact same issue. Version 20 works perfectly and V21 does not.


Be good if someone could work out what changed.
Fix worked on here.


Sorry to bother with may be simple question... I've updated to Kodi Omega, and received de new mediaportal pvr addon 21.0.2 (in an Android TV Box). Do I need to do something else to my windows box with TV-Server installed?

The thing is that addon seems to connect to windows backend, and I can see my channel lists and EPG, but whenever I try to view a channel, it doesn't work.
Live TV streaming through Mediaportal 1 - TV server and the Kodi Mediaportal add-on 21.0.2 works only if I switch in settings add-on TSREADER to RTSP.
In the past this was not necessary. So streaming and channel switching does work.

Although channel switching through RTSP seems not too slow and streaming works good without failures.
Edit: In this case I can pause the video stream and continue later.  But this is just working for a few seconds. Pausing for a minute or more and restarting does make kodi non responsive. I also can't rewind or fast forward. If I do so kodi will stop working.
In the past Live TV channel streaming and timeshifting was fully functional without RTSP

I am using at the moment the latest nightly KODI Omega version: kodi-20240520-3b2688a1-master-armeabi-v7a
This is on a Fire TV stick 4K MAX (2nd gen).
Edit: same behavior on a Nvidia Shield TV (latest version).

Should timeshifting work when using RTSP?
Is channel streaming and timeshifting without RTSP possible?

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Kodi v21 "Omega" Beta 3 Mediaportal0