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Release PictureIt - Kodi Visualization
(2015-11-27, 18:00)wisler Wrote: You don't need boost for dir listing.

Spiff did a PR for vfs.


I need directory listing mainly for PictureIt itself (which is not related to kodi and never will be)

Directory listing for the kodi add-on is needed to define the presets and there absolute path.
If I'd allow the user to choose a path somewhere on a nfs, smb... shares, I'd need vfs but as I said before,
this would require more implementation on both sides (PictureIt and the add-on).
I'll look into that once the base works properly again (and implements your asplib ;D)

My lxc container should be done very soon meaning my dev branch will see a commit once I ensured the add-on builds
properly using kodis binary build system.
Still gotta figure out how to properly use it though Big Grin
(2015-11-27, 18:05)ironic_monkey Wrote: Nothing is recursive. You would have to include win32/dirent.h if you only add src/contrib to include paths.

hm.. why the hell does it build and work than?
I'm so confused again Big Grin

I'll do some more research Smile

I'm doing that now

    list(APPEND INCLUDES ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/src/contrib/win32)
Quick question regarding GetSetting from libXBMC_addon.h

That's how I'm using it atm...
// Global definition so it's accessible everywhere
ADDON::CHelper_libXBMC_addon *KODI = NULL;
// Done in "ADDON_Create" callback
if ( !KODI )
    KODI = new ADDON::CHelper_libXBMC_addon;

if ( !KODI->RegisterMe(hdl) ) {
    // RegisterMe works
    delete KODI, KODI=NULL;
// Part of a function I'm calling when the "Start" callback gets called
void *value = NULL;
bool success = KODI->GetSetting("my-setting-id", value); // No success and value still points to NULL
...but GetSetting keeps returning false (and therefor "value" is still pointing to NULL) and I don't know why.
I checked the id I'm passing like 10 times and it is correct.

What am I missing here?
depending on the type of the setting, value need to be pointer to an int (int*), a float (float*), or an *allocated* char* buffer for a string.
(2015-12-03, 11:56)ironic_monkey Wrote: depending on the type of the setting, value need to be pointer to an int (int*), a float (float*), or an *allocated* char* buffer for a string.

oooooooh.. dammit.. I thought I could use a void ptr cuz the ADDON_SetSetting callback uses that as well.

I'll try that, thanks Smile

still false though :/

int *value = NULL;
bool success = KODI->GetSetting("crossfade.fade_ms", value);

//Corresponding settings entry
<setting id="crossfade.fade_ms" label="30002" type="slider" option="int" default="2" range="250,250,5000" />
int value;
bool success = KODI->GetSetting("crossfade.fade_ms", &value);

edit: typo in function name.
to complete it;

float value;
bool success = KODI->GetSetting("some_float_setting",&value);
char* string = new char[1024];
bool success = KODI->GetSetting("some_string_setting", string);
(2015-12-03, 12:26)ironic_monkey Wrote:
int value;
bool success = KODI->GetSetting("crossfade.fade_ms", &value);

edit: typo in function name.

and again... I feel super stupid :/
thanks Smile
Hi, this addon looks great. I tried to run on my raspberry pi 2 with OSMC system. I have same problem about loading DLL. Will it be possible to run on RPi 2?
Thx for your answer
(2016-02-07, 23:44)freemancz Wrote: Hi, this addon looks great. I tried to run on my raspberry pi 2 with OSMC system. I have same problem about loading DLL. Will it be possible to run on RPi 2?
Thx for your answer

Sorry for the late response.
As it stands RPi is not supported right now but hopefully will be in the near future.
That's all I can say for now.
Currently I'm focusing on finishing v1.0 of the vis and after that I'll try to support as many platforms as possible Smile
Loving the visuals! Hopefully this goes beyond Linux soon.
(2016-02-09, 10:57)Tadly Wrote:
(2016-02-07, 23:44)freemancz Wrote: Hi, this addon looks great. I tried to run on my raspberry pi 2 with OSMC system. I have same problem about loading DLL. Will it be possible to run on RPi 2?
Thx for your answer

Sorry for the late response.
As it stands RPi is not supported right now but hopefully will be in the near future.
That's all I can say for now.
Currently I'm focusing on finishing v1.0 of the vis and after that I'll try to support as many platforms as possible Smile

Looks great, but a definite +1 for a version that will run on OSMC. Been looking for a pictures based visualization for a while.
Does this work on Android?
no. should be fairly trivial for somebody with the motivation to add gles support though as it just pushes a few simple quads. biggest hinderance would be replacing SOIL.
(2017-02-15, 12:43)ironic_monkey Wrote: no. should be fairly trivial for somebody with the motivation to add gles support though as it just pushes a few simple quads. biggest hinderance would be replacing SOIL.

Someone who sounds like he has more knowledge than me (the dev himself) Big Grin
The current version uses nothings/stb_image (which is awesome btw.)

I started rewriting the whole thing (trying to abstract DX11 and OpenGL which I failed really hard and kinda lost motivation at that point)

No idea when I'll pick up on that project again so.. yeah..
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PictureIt - Kodi Visualization1