Release Metropolis 3.3.0
DSP support isn't in Metropolis yet. It'll be there in 3.3.2.
thank you jingai
waiting patiently
IMAX@Home on the room sized screen since 1989
(2016-02-27, 20:40)jingai Wrote: @MasterSiep, yes, 3.2.1 is the current release for Isengard (Kodi 15).

And yeah the xbt files are in the 3.3.0 package, but something is obviously wrong with them.. I packed them myself with the TexturePacker in the Jarvis sources and they still didn't show.. so I tried a version I had built from Feb 2014 and had the same results.

I don't know what's going on here.. sorry guys. I've already pinged Ronie about it, so hopefully he'll have a chance to look at it soon.

Thx Jingai.
I just updated to Jarvis, and then Metropolis 3.3.1.
Is there something special I need to do to delete/hide an existing home menu furniture item? There is that little 'cross-out' icon next to the move up/down arrows, but it doesn't seem to do anything.
The 'add new' function seems to be working fine, and I like the system. I just want to clear the items I don't use to keep the menu less cluttered.

Dr B
@thedrb, I'm not sure -- it's working here just fine. When you go left to the list of home items, hit right two times to highlight the delete icon. It should then be removed from the list. Hit OK and return to the Home screen and wait a moment while Skin Shortcuts rebuilds the menus.
Thanks, I think it was working fine and I just didn't know how to use it.
I was trying to click the delete icon with my mouse, and clearly that isn't correct. Smile
Yes, Metropolis mouse support is very incomplete.
Hi Jingai
Love this skin..
Best theme hands down...

I have a question i'm not sure if it's the skin but my studio icons(flags) for movies don't show up.
They show for TV Shows, but not for movies.

I already installed "Studio Icons - White" but still nothing.

Or does have to do with the Addons ......i usually use Specto and Exodus.

Any advice will be greatly appreciated. Wink
Do you see the studio icons for movies in your Library?

They will only show for addons if the addon flags its content as "Movies" or "TVShows".
I love this skin. I was really pleased when it was adapted for Kodi 16. Unfortunately, I can't use it. (Windows 7, Kodi 16, Metropolis 3.3.1, Panasonic Plasma TV)

I listen to audio a lot, both music and audiobooks. Because of the plasma TV I have a visualization running while audio is playing. (Milkdrop, Milkdrop 2) When I press pause to answer the phone or the doorbell, an info bar appears at the top of the screen that doesn't go away as the info display does with other skins -- it stays there indefinitely. I've tried every possible combination of settings and nothing seems to change this behavior. It does work as I would have expected with other skins (e.g. Aeon Nox Silvo and Mimic), disappearing after 10 seconds or so.

As you probably know, this is very bad for plasma TV's. I've kept mine in perfect condition for almost 5 years by using safe viewing practices -- no permanent logos or graphics allowed to stay on the screen. I love my Plasma even more than I love Metropolis, so... I can't use it.

Is there some setting I've missed somewhere?
Hi Jingai
Thanks for the quick reply.
at the moment I only watch stream content from Exodus and Specto.
i noticed most Tv Shows have there Studio Icons, but Movies just dont show up.

Perhaps its the Settings in Exodus?
I don't know what either of those are, but if they set the content to "Movies" then the icons will show.
Hi Jingai
Thanks for the help earlier works like a charm.
Hopefully this will be the last
In the past version of Metropolis Video player you could see the Logo with fanart (bottom Left Corner) and the Studio logo on the right as per below.
Can this still be done?
I already have "show clear logo in Video OSD" but only shows the fanart.
No, you can no longer show both at the same time, and the studio logo does not show on the right anymore either.
So how do you show the tv logo? Only (bottom left)
I prefer the tv show logo oppose to the fanart.
Cause that's all its showing, even though I have the settings enabled.

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