Information I fed bad data into RecentlyAddedAlbums -can I rescue it?
Dear all,

I recently added a new album to my music DB.

Unfortunately, it was a compilation of sorts and each track had a different album data in the id3 tag.

Resulting in a messy Recently Added screen (see scrnsht).

Is there any way to revert/step-back through each new add (does Kodi keep a historical log of Newly Added data anywhere)? or does it just discard anything other than the *most recent* 25 ?

I rely on this screen a hell of a lot in my usage.. mistake ofc, just wondering if there's a way to correct it.

Thanks. 👍🏻


Kind regs.
Remove the album from your Source folder.
Run a Music Clean Library. (Don't select the Video Clean Library which most people do)

Run your album through MusicBrainz Picard to fix the tagging - !important ...
Move the album back into the Source folder and rescan.
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I fed bad data into RecentlyAddedAlbums -can I rescue it?0