TV Series "Status" - not updating on library update?
I've noticed that for series that I have in my library which have changed status since I've imported them the status is not updated.

Example: When I imported "Motherland Fort Salem", the status of the TV series as displayed in Kodi (Amber skin) was "Returning series". Over time the status has changed, when I check the site (where the default scraper gets it's information from?) the status is "Ended" but this is never updated in Kodi (Amber skin). I would assume that when I do a library update new episodes are imported but also status updates for existing series are parsed?

When I perform a refresh (information -> refresh) from the context menu the status is updated correctly (but then I lose all my changed artwork).

Am I doing something wrong or is this a bug (in Kodi / the scraper / Amber)?
Nvidia Shield Pro, Kodi 21.0 Omega, Arctic Zephyr Reloaded

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TV Series "Status" - not updating on library update?0