More choices for background rotation?
Hi there Bart!  I'm a new Kodi and new Amber user, congratulations on winning my very unscientific evaluation of the best skin for Kodi out there!

A very simple thing to start....I wonder if you'd consider giving more choices of durations for the background wallpaper rotation.  I know the default is 7 seconds, I changed that quickly to the maximum, which is 90, but the constant changing is activating ADD I didn't know I had.  I definitely want it to change, and I would rather have it change more often than not at all, but I was thinking only once or twice a day, just enough to keep it interesting.

Would it be a huge programming ask to add choices of 3600 seconds (1 hour) and 28800 (8 hours) and 86400 (24 hours) to your list?  Or would that break something?

Thanks, and I'm pleasantly surprised by your responsiveness in this forum.

Maybe not simple after all?

Am I a ghost?  Did I die?
Hi mate - You most certainly didnt die .. Smile well Hopefully not anyway - -  as to the answer to your question , well i dont know !  However it`s only going to be a setting in the skin config file , you will need to search that and adjust up to ( how many seconds in 7hrs ? ) . . I have only only just dabbled in Amber -  but didnt want you feeling left out.

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More choices for background rotation?0