Christian channels addon
Hi guys, trust you are all well. Please help, is there an add on for Christian channels please. I've searched and most do not work. I think I have kodi 19 installed on my media box. Your help would be highly appreciated. Thank you
Doesn't look like there are any available in the official repo.
No stress, thank you so much
(2022-05-16, 20:03)Christopher.Kiston Wrote: I've searched and most do not work.
That can happen with addons.
Most addons are written by enthusiastic volunteers not part of Team Kodi. Normally coded and supported by a single person who, after a number of years, has lost interest or other issues in real life has distracted the author. Time slips away and the addon becomes broken and abandoned.
You could try contacting the authors of the addons to see if they are interested in updating the addon.
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I do an addon for Minno Kids

And Shine tv (NZ)
Try Shine TV add-on Smile

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