Recordings Playback
For me there is an unwanted change in Omega.  Previously a short press on a recording would trigger playback. Whilst that still works for Video playback, for recordings I now have to apply a long press to get a sub menu and then select Play.  This seems to be an unnecessary extra step
You obviously have set the default video select action setting to „show info“. The unwanted change for you is what we call consistency across the whole kodi app.

Why should one want info for all videos except recordings?

EDIT: ignore, maybe i have misread OPs problem.
What happens on short press for you, btw?

Default select action for recordings is play, also in omega, unless you have changed setting „default select action“.
Thank you ksooo for your info.  I should have added that I have Kodi on 3 Nvidia Shields (different models) and I haven't changed the settings from previous versions.  I have the Estuary skin

When I give a short press nothing happens (although there is a faint audio response)

Under Player, I have a setting (never changed) which is set to Show "all items" entry

There is a further problem on all three systems.  When I have a number of episodes of the same programme in a folder for that series I can't change the sequence Descending/Ascending under options.  This does work for the main sequence of recordings

And yet another issue regarding Resuming playback after a stop.  In this case a short press does bring up the 2 choice play from beginning  or from the stopped point. It will only replay 
 from the beginning.  I can do a long press and a more substantial menu pops up, but I can still only play back from the start

I am using the enigma add on for TV

I am sorry I do seem to have a number of issues suddenly
Came around this post while researching a pvr 'resume after stop' issue. The recordings can only be started from the beginning while a resume point is presented. For videos, behaviour is as expected.
Was looking where the issue lies, Kodi PVR component or, in my case, tvheadend.
It seems that this thread answers that one, hope it adds to finding a solution.
There is a work around for the failure of the Resume after Stop problem.  I can set a bookmark at the place I am going to press stop.  Then to resume select Play Only This

Never the less this is a bit irritating

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