movie set information folder write permissions
In v19, Kodi warned that the movie set information folder required write access, but v20 no longer seems to have that warning, and I don't see anything about it in the wiki.

Does it still require write access? Because my local movie set posters aren't added if it's set to read only.

Also, why does it require write access just to scan local artwork? In v19, I was able to bypass that by allowing write access, selecting the movie set information folder in Kodi, and then changing it back to read only. That doesn't seem to work in v20 though.
I realize now this is probably the wrong forum section, so go ahead and delete.
(2023-01-19, 18:59)tom_nito Wrote: In v19, Kodi warned that the movie set information folder required write access, but v20 no longer seems to have that warning, and I don't see anything about it in the wiki.
Nothing has changed with Movie Sets between v19 and v20.

It requires read access for Exports or Artwork Dump to be able to save new files there.
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