How do you get artwork for Trailers to work (Thumnails, posters or other)?
For my mp4 movie files my poster and fanart files are pulled into Kodi and look great  (actor images too).   I am unable to get Kodi so show artwork for the mp4 trailer file.  All I get is an image pulled from an arbitrary position in the trailer with the name of the trailer file underneath.  This looks kinda sloppy.  I would rather one of my artwork files to be displayed but I cant get this to work.   How do I get a nice image for my trailer?  Does it need to be a certain resolution or aspect, does it need to have a certain file name?  I used movie-name-trailer-poster.jpg but that didn't work.

For context, this issue appears when I click on the movie in a library/folder in Kodi and get presented with three things: (1) the back arrow to go back to the list of movies, (2) a poster-like image for the trailer so that when you select it - the trailer plays and (3) a poster of the movie so that when you select it - the movie plays.  Number (3) above is fine, I can see the movie poster.  Number (2) is the issue - all I see is an image pulled from an arbitrary position in the trailer with the name of the trailer file underneath.

Thank you.
(2022-12-30, 06:00)NRJWallace Wrote: How do I get a nice image for my trailer? 
You can't. There is no provision for trailer artwork. I am not really understanding how and where you are trying to use it.
A trailer belongs to a movie, it's not a standalone library entry. Its like asking how to display a poster for your movie poster.

Maybe you can post a screenshot for clarity on how/where you want to see/use it.
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How do you get artwork for Trailers to work (Thumnails, posters or other)?0