Can't set up Kodi Timer on NextPVR - Error message
When I try to establish a timer from Kodi through the guide, I get an error that it failed.  The recording never appears on NextPVR's schedule.  Here are the log files (both Kodi and NextPVR) and a screenshot of the recording I was setting up in Kodi:

Thanks for your help.
I will need to look at the logs a little bit more carefully because there are  multiple Kodi sessions and you only logged the final one, but the NextPVR logs could help.   I believe most of your issues are because you were concurrently doing an EPG update from the web browser and trying to schedule  a recording from Kodi.  If you restart the backend and Kodi does it work now?    Basically EPG updates are designed to be autonomous.  I do see a potential issue that may have been caused by a database lock error.

In an earlier session you did have the series or episode scheduled but then you deleted this recording so of note you would never be able to record that episode as a recurring recording again, it would need to be a manual recording.  This is so users can manage duplicate recordings before they recorded.


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Can't set up Kodi Timer on NextPVR - Error message0