Linux How to identify old and unused addons to be removed?
Hi. I've been using XBMC/Kodi for over 10 years and have accumulated close to 180 addons from old versions of XBMC, of Kodi, trying different skins, etc. Many of these are no longer 'in-use' I'm sure, but I wonder if they are still 'loaded' by Kodi as they all appear in the kodi.log, using-up valuable system resources and slowing-down Kodi (and generating errors!). Is there a way to quickly identify addons I can safely uninstall and/or delete from the addons and userdata folders because they are no longer supported, or no longer used by kodi, etc? Perhaps a 'Cleanup Kodi' function/script that could be added to future versions of Kodi ... I'm sure I'm not the only one that has been using Kodi for a few years and needs a good 'cleanup'? Or, alternately, a script that lists all the addons that Kodi currently uses (so the ones not listed can be safely removed) as Kodi already has functionality that tracks addon dependencies for each addon. For example, since I'm using Matrix 19.3, I should be able to safely remove all addons that are not python 3 compliant (i.e. have dependency on Python 2.x or Python 1.x), right?
There is one big cleanup you can do with Kodi 19 Matrix already, and that is because Matrix went with Python v3 instead v2. Plenty of developers of old(er) add-ons didn't bother to upgrade their add-ons. And since Python v3 is not backwards compatible with v2, there has been quite the spring cleaning in that area.

You can dive into the Add-ons section, go to "My Add-ons", and order the listing by 'Install date' via the left side-menu. As for uninstalling add-ons, if you have so many of them installed, why not go with a full fresh setup, and install only those add-ons that you actually still use?
(2021-11-03, 07:01)Klojum Wrote: There is one big cleanup you can do with Kodi 19 Matrix already, and that is because Matrix went with Python v3 instead v2. Plenty of developers of old(er) add-ons didn't bother to upgrade their add-ons. And since Python v3 is not backwards compatible with v2, there has been quite the spring cleaning in that area.

You can dive into the Add-ons section, go to "My Add-ons", and order the listing by 'Install date' via the left side-menu. As for uninstalling add-ons, if you have so many of them installed, why not go with a full fresh setup, and install only those add-ons that you actually still use?

Yep, a fresh install was my next step if a addon 'cleanup' wasn't going to resolve my issues. I edited my initial post to add the Python query ... which you replied at the same time I was writing it LOL - thanks for the confirmation @Klojum  Smile ... also thought that would be a 'safe' thing to do.

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How to identify old and unused addons to be removed?0