About FilmOn addon
Who develops it? There are several people including me, who have had issue with this addon. We can't even enable it, as it states an unknown error. I can't even find any forum thread of it's official development.
Please wait a few more days. FilmOn developer is currently unavailable. Also PVR addons are under heavy development right now.

For more information see:

Ok thanks for that info. I read the linked threads regarding these developments, but didn't really understand what this means to the end user?
After everything is ready and merged, absolutely nothing. The whole process is transparent to the end user.

Regarding FilmOn addon, the original developer (denhams), is currently travelling and can only look into things/problems after the end of the month. End of this month, that is. So it should take only a few days...
Ok great! Do you know how I I would be able to contact denhams, once his trip is over? Smile
Post your stuff/question/problem in the FilmOn support forum (http://forum.kodi.tv/forumdisplay.php?fid=227) and wait.
Be as descriptive as possible and add a debug log for good measure.

Can a mod move this to the FilmOn sub-forum? Thanks.
Funny as there was no FilmOn sub-forum when I created this thread.

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