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Information Zipped add-ons for image collections, icon & fanart show, but don't apply content - Printable Version

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Zipped add-ons for image collections, icon & fanart show, but don't apply content - TryggNorwegian - 2023-11-01

I'm currently working on a custom add-on to handle genre-specific fanarts locally in Kodi, similar to what the Metrocity add-on does with its online resources. Despite successfully installing my add-on and ensuring its visibility within Kodi, I'm struggling to get the fanarts to display for different movie genres. I'm hoping someone here might shed some light on what I'm missing or doing incorrectly.

Create an add-on that locally stores and displays fanart for various movie genres, eliminating the need for an internet connection to fetch fanart.

What I've done so far:
Modeled my add-on's structure and addon.xml after the Metrocity add-on (which works perfectly but fetches resources online).
Ensured that fanart images are locally stored, correctly named, and organized within the add-on's file structure.
Confirmed that the add-on is correctly installed and enabled in Kodi, with its logo and fanart visible in the "My add-ons" section.
Attempted to mimic the resource paths and settings from Metrocity, adjusting for local file access.
I will admit that there is most likely an issue here that I messed up, but I can't seem to find information regarding to what step that might be.

Despite the above steps, the fanarts are not displaying as they should when I navigate through movie genres. I'm unsure if there's a misconfiguration with how Kodi is supposed to recognize and fetch these local resources, or if there's an additional step I need to take to register these resources correctly within the system.

1.) Is there a known solution or different approach recommended for handling fanarts locally within Kodi, especially for genre-specific images?
2.) Are there specific configurations, perhaps within Kodi itself or within the Aeon MQ9 skin, that I need to adjust to prioritize local fanart resources?
3.) Could there be a critical difference in how Kodi handles local versus online resources that I might be overlooking in my add-on's setup?
4.) Is there any debugging method that could reveal more about why the fanarts aren't being recognized or displayed, despite the add-on appearing to be integrated correctly?
5.) I've double-checked all file paths, names, and the overall structure, and I've ensured they mirror what's working for online resources in Metrocity. I'm reaching a bit of a dead end and any guidance, suggestions, or insights would be incredibly appreciated. If more information is needed to assist in troubleshooting, I'm more than willing to provide.

Thank you in advance for your time and assistance!

RE: Zipped add-ons for image collections, icon & fanart show, but don't apply content - Karellen - 2023-11-01

(2023-11-01, 08:57)TryggNorwegian Wrote: Confirmed that the add-on is correctly installed and enabled in Kodi, with its logo and fanart visible in the "My add-ons" section.
Genre artwork is controlled by the skin, not Kodi core.
Have you also selected the addon pack in the skin settings of AeonMQ? Its the setting beneath the highlighted item.

Some skins allow you to point to a folder for Genre fanart instead of requiring an addon. I know Aeon Nox Silvo allows this...
