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Release Twitch.tv

Is this project possible to easily be duplicated and used to create a Kick Streaming Kodi App? Currently there is no way towatch Kick on a tv all bar screenshare
With live streams currently broken I'm using the list of channels I'm following.  Only problem is my first page is littered with dead channels like "Ludwig" and youtubers who I've never seen go live.

What is the order of the channels? 
  It seems to be sorted by # of followers, or popularity.
  Before the big api change to helix the order was by the time of a channel started or stopped streaming, so the first page of my followed channels were those who just streamed

Looking at the API I don't see any sorting parameters.  If there is a way to sort the channels in the API the current sort order is not that useful.
Is my only option to unfollow the ones who rarely stream?

Apologies in advance if this questions has been asked a gazilion times before.

I'm having some issue with the addon on windows platform, Kodi 20.1.

On some streams the adds kicks in and they run perfectly normal, but once the stream should be resuming, it just crash to desktop.
I did try to disable the inputastream.adaptive but nothing changes.

Is there a solution for the issue at the current time?
Hi, at some point after upgrading my Vero to Nexus I've lost resume points on VODs. I updated the add-on to the latest version but still no resume. Anyone else got this problem?
As with ExGemini I am also having this issue with kodi on ubuntu 22.04. Here's the log: https://paste.kodi.tv/qipifelice.kodi
Is there some way to get the current thumbnail (live preview?) to show as the Fanart instead of the poster?  All of the fanart shows the streamer's offline image rather than the live preview, and most skins use fanart for tiles.
I would like to use my own thumbnails as well as fanart.jpg and icon.png. Can I simply replace them or do I have to take anything into account?
Been trying to use this addon now for 2 days and it's just constant crashing on ads. Do you need that twitch turbo thing to run the addon?

For some reason 720p seems to work decently without as many crashes.

Running Kodi on my PC with a 3080, so it's not like it's performance issues. And it's on fiber 250mbit connection, so it's not that either.
Hello everyone, thank you for your time. I am a newbie and I would like to know what the difference is between: ACCESS TOKEN, REFRESH TOKEN and CLIENT ID From the twitchtokengenerator.com website.

Are they valid for the addon? Thank you!
Hi there!

I'm having issues with this app freezing on my rapi4 (pretty sure on midroll ads) using Libreelec. Here's the log for more info. https://paste.kodi.tv/buwiyeculu.kodi

At this point with most streams having mid roll ads I cant use the app at all because I have to get up every 10 minutes to restart the device since it locks up completely.

Any help is appreciated. Thanks for reading, have a nice day.
So I've followed the suggestion by LibreELEC forum to install the newest version along with the current version of kodi, used the nightly build of LibreELEC from today 8 am CET and took two hours to set up my config. No change, the stream still stalls when mid roll ads drop. here's the log: https://paste.kodi.tv/cisayahose.kodi

At this point I have no idea how to resolve this. Please advise.
@anxdpanic can you change or give option to change the placehold AD animation to something more darker that is suitable for night time viewing?

Currently it is too bright and colorful that makes it not easy on the eyes at night especially when viewing it on a large screen TV.

Maybe it was asked before, I tried to fint it or maybe I'm blind.
For a while now, when I try to watch a channel I follow on Twitch, the addon just says: "Gone 410 This API is not available."
The live streams go well, and if I search for the streamer, and go from there (video list, watch vod...) no problem at all.

Is there a fix for this?
I'm on 2.6.2matrix.1  The program doesn't find any update. (tried 3.1 but doesn't like the enviroment Big Grin )
Hi, first reply here. Loving the plugin and Kodi ecosystem, it really ties the living room together.

I have also had the recurring stream drops and stutters especially during ads.
What fixed it for me was changing the Twitch add-on stream quality selection to Source, while still using InputStream Adaptive.
My suspicion is that the add-on's adaptive stream switching does not play well with InputStream Adaptive. Would be helpful if this could be confirmed.

On another sibject, I would also like to second the request for a darker ads placeholder screen. 😄
Hi all. Is there any way to play a "public" Twitch video without getting an OAuth Token first?
I just need to play a Livestream/Video from one channel. Using Twitch "directly" in the browser i can play the Video without loggin in - so basicially, it should be possible.
If not possible with this plugin.video.twitch, is there any other way to play a Twitch Video without using this plugin?

Thanks for any hint.

(BTW, playing without loggin in works for plugin.video.youtube just fine.)
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