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Release Twitch.tv

I've updated to 2.0.21 and all is working again, but I've missed some features. 
The former versions had a menu point "featured streams" I'm not able to set this point to the Mainmenu.

And second, is it possible to select a bunch of languages (e.g. english and german) to get only streams with this two languages. I think the former versions had this feature too

Thanks anyways,

I cannot start the Twitch add-on as it says it cannot connect to the Twitch API. I tried to get a new Oauth token but that doesn't work either, as it cannot connect to the API.

I have installed the latest version of the add-ons:
plugin.video.twitch v2.6.0+matrix.1
script.module.python.twitch v2.0.21+matrix.1

I ran them on Kodi 19.3 and also tried 19.4 now, but still the same issue.

Logs can be found here:
I know this isn't directly connected to the plugin, but using the latest version of the plugin on Matrix 19.4 doesn't seem to allow me to install the IRC plugin. Digging into the repo, seems like that irc script is only supported up to Kodi 18.
Is there an alternative way to see twitch chat using Kodi 19 and the latest version of the plugin?
I removed my current Oauth token and got a new one, now I'm able to start the Twitch add-on.

But, I removed my client ID during troubleshooting so now I'm not able to watch my subscriptions.

Does anyone know how to obtain the client ID again? Do I have to register an application in the Twitch developer console? If so, what should I enter in the "OAuth Redirect URLs"?
I'm on LibreELEC. I had to enter my Oauth token and rebooted on a hunch, it at least worked for me. But does anyone else unable to go to the next page on your live followed channels? It just sits and tries to load, spinning and spinning.
Not to mention streams freezing and the entire Pi 4 locking up. All I can do is power cycle it.
OK, now my Twitch add-on works as it should again!

For anyone that might be looking for the Client ID in the future.
I did a new installation of Kodi another computer (my laptop) and installed the Twitch add-on just to see if it came with a Client ID pre-filled. It did!
So I copied/reused the Client ID from this installation in my actual Kodi Twitch add-on installation on my HTPC and now I can view my subscriptions again!
Remember folks if you suddenly start getting "Failed to connect to Twitch API" errors all of a sudden there is an easy fix. Seems it expires every few months.
Delete current "OAuth Token" and leave it blank. Then click "Get OAuth Token" and follow instructions.
"We won't tell you what to do, not to do or how to use our software." -DarrenHill
Keep getting "Commerical break in progress" screens even on channel I subscribe to. Logs are at https://paste.kodi.tv/enovamuzef.kodi. This happens on both a fire tv stick and a raspberry pi, both running Kodi 19.4. The logs are for the firestick. Let me know if any other info is needed.
This is the fix - https://github.com/anxdpanic/plugin.vide...o-benefits
Does anyone else have issues with twitch today? I get a "connection failed, failed to connect to twitch api" notification and it does not open at all. This is what is mentioned in the non-debug log
2022-04-27 07:19:57.678 T:4564    ERROR <general>: Traceback (most recent call last):
2022-04-27 07:19:57.678 T:4564    ERROR <general>: 
2022-04-27 07:19:57.678 T:4564    ERROR <general>:   File "/home/user/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.twitch/resources/lib/twitch_addon/router.py", line 290, in run
                                                       twitch_api = api.Twitch()
2022-04-27 07:19:57.679 T:4564    ERROR <general>: 
2022-04-27 07:19:57.679 T:4564    ERROR <general>:   File "/home/user/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.twitch/resources/lib/twitch_addon/addon/api.py", line 54, in __init__
                                                       if not self.valid_token(self.client_id, self.access_token, self.required_scopes):
2022-04-27 07:19:57.679 T:4564    ERROR <general>: 
2022-04-27 07:19:57.679 T:4564    ERROR <general>:   File "/home/user/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.twitch/resources/lib/twitch_addon/addon/common/cache.py", line 104, in memoizer
                                                       result = func(*args, **kwargs)
2022-04-27 07:19:57.679 T:4564    ERROR <general>: 
2022-04-27 07:19:57.679 T:4564    ERROR <general>:   File "/home/user/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.twitch/resources/lib/twitch_addon/addon/api.py", line 62, in valid_token
                                                       if token_check['client_id'] == self.client_id:
2022-04-27 07:19:57.679 T:4564    ERROR <general>: 
2022-04-27 07:19:57.679 T:4564    ERROR <general>: KeyError: 'client_id'
2022-04-27 07:19:57.679 T:4564    ERROR <general>: 
2022-04-27 07:19:57.679 T:4564    ERROR <general>: Twitch: None
2022-04-27 07:19:57.679 T:4564     INFO <general>: CPythonInvoker(6, /home/user/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.twitch/resources/lib/addon_runner.py): script successfully run
Happens on both my 18.9 (libreleec 9.2.6) and 19.4 (debian testing/unstable x64) installations and I have checked that my api key is still in the settings and entered correctly.
I'm having issues today too, Failed to Connect to the Twitch API. 

libreelec 9.2.8

Twitch 2.6.0
And now it just gets stuck on the loading notification when I open it or select any of the bookmarks...
As suggested in the issue report I opened in github, creating a new oauth key for twitch solves the issue because the old one, supposedly, expired.
Thank you twitch for NOT notifying me about that key expiration while at the same time mandating credentials for accessing the api!
(insert thumb down emoji here)
The Vodcast highlight color isn't working for me, would be nice to have it back
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