Solved Localization - When cupith about to runith over??? What todo???
Click Language and select English (US).
mikeSiLVO & Hitcher,

As you both posted the identical answer, again, learned something new about Kodi. That is the fix. I am not versed in multi-language and probably etiquette in some regards to annunciation so my ignorance made the assumption that English was English and was unaware that English (US) had a much more localized format of using the correct vernacular.

I will be more aware of this going forward... and I even started screwing with the skin to force the value to "Color" which I realize in hind sight is an incorrect approach.

I will be re-starting my bug hunt using Mr. V's baseline and merging only the true bug fixes I found and leave the localization string numbers that were originally in place to ensure global, proper use for localization of language accordingly.

In terms of the original inquiry and additional help, I regard this as a solved topic and again appreciate you folks helping me along.

Kodi: Nexus v20.5 | Skin: Madnox.redux : Current Version: 20.00.11 | Forum | Madnox.redux v3 Repo
Mr. V's Original Source
In Kodi English refers to UK or GB English only, as well as English (US) there is also English (Australia) and English (New Zealand). You can see all the languages here
(2024-02-29, 18:29)jjd-uk Wrote: In Kodi English refers to UK or GB English only, as well as English (US) there is also English (Australia) and English (New Zealand). You can see all the languages here

That is a lot of information, who curates all of that?

This is probably the origin of one of the responses to try and use the strings within Kodi as they all get translated across board as it grows?

TY for the link.
Kodi: Nexus v20.5 | Skin: Madnox.redux : Current Version: 20.00.11 | Forum | Madnox.redux v3 Repo
Mr. V's Original Source
It's a community effort made of up of mainly user contributions, if interested you can find details at and
Thanks for the info, when/if I get my head above water, I'll look to see if there is anything I can contribute to in that area... but still a good resource to know going forward.
Kodi: Nexus v20.5 | Skin: Madnox.redux : Current Version: 20.00.11 | Forum | Madnox.redux v3 Repo
Mr. V's Original Source
And note that your skin should also supply language files for your skin-defined labels, or Kodi will fall back to your en_gb strings.  I guess it is possible to register on Weblate and get crowd-sourced translations.

scott s.
ooooooh, damn, good point... that is part of what triggered this thread in the first place.... umm...hmmm... and there seem to be a lot of strings... ugg.

Ok, that is something I'll have to take a hard look at...

I would never begrudge anyone the skin experience, but being an archive skin, how critical does something like that become vs. effort of doing it for and/all langs.?

I will add this to my TODO list as an action item.
Kodi: Nexus v20.5 | Skin: Madnox.redux : Current Version: 20.00.11 | Forum | Madnox.redux v3 Repo
Mr. V's Original Source

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Localization - When cupith about to runith over??? What todo???0