Better way of switching to HDR and use of tone mapping
Hi, so I use KODI on my Windows laptop which has an HDR OLED display. Using HDR capabilities in KODI works great in that scenario.
But if I connect an external SDR monitor and run KODI on it, use the HDR capabilities option removes tone mapping options when watching HDR content on said monitor, so I need to manually disable Use HDR capabilities to get tone mapping options.

Also, none of the available tone mapping options work ok, the whites and bright colors are crushed. MPC-HC + MadVR works much better.

So I propose some kind of Auto mode for HDR where it automatically detects if the screen is SDR or HDR capable and switches to it accordingly. It can be a choice menu. Auto, disabled, enabled.

I'm not sure about HDR to SDR aka tone mapping options, and what can be done, I read that for others it works well but in my case, it does not.
Kodi detects whether the screen is HDR capable or not and already does what you're asking for, so something unusual is happening.
Please provide a complete debug log of playing an HDR video on that external SDR screen.
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Better way of switching to HDR and use of tone mapping0