Req Can it support two layers of subtitles?
Is it possible to add a second layer of subtitles just like potplayer?
No, but not sure I see the use case?

scott s.
users asked this more times on my addon
usually to display subtitles with two languages at same time
but its not easy thing to be implemented, and require more hacks to try avoid text overlapping also between different formats
Dev-Maintainer of InputStream Adaptive add-on, Netflix add-on ▫ Skills Python, C#, VB.NET and a bit of C++
Work-round :>I suppose one could encode the video with #1 sub embedded at the bottom, then use and external sub for #2 that could be positioned above. Use case might be learning new languages, doubt it enhances anything in the video. Alternately set-up pot players as an external player.

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Can it support two layers of subtitles?0