Access music smartplaylsit elements from api

I use 2 smartplaylist in kodi , base on rating on songs
So just by changing not , a song is
* not on any playlist
* on first playlist
* on seconde playlist

This is very cool , because loading a playlist is instant , and adding / removing things is really easy for my girlfriend

Now I have navidrome ( to play music in my car but I lost playlist

My idea was simple :
As navidrome present a subsonic api and kodi and navidrom use the same tree  , maybe I can script a "sync playlist" to create playlist in navidrome from kodi one

But with kodi API I can't list smartplaylist , nor list all elements in them.

By api , is there a way to do that , or to list every song filter on rating ?

Thx ! Smile

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Access music smartplaylsit elements from api0