Remove info under movies, music...

I have searched all the settings but i cant seem to find what i want.
I want to remove or hide the "39 Movies - Unwatched" which is under the category movie, in home menu.. same for tv shows and music

Hi BruScott and welcome to the forums. Smile

There's no setting for that, since it's part of the skin design displaying that info.

You could remove it from the skin xml files yourself if you're up for it.
You need to edit includes_InfoPane.xml to remove the lines.
Look for the includes "VideoDetails" and "MusicDetails".

Remember that all custom edits to the xml files are overwritten each time the updates. And I highly recommend keeping the skin updated at all times.

Let me know if you have any other questions or suggestions.
Thank you, it worked perfectly..

I do have another question, is it possible to 'unwrap' the horizontal menu navigation?

Thank you

Great you got it working.

Ask away. Wink

I'm not quite sure what you mean?
Do you mean in the libraries or home screen?
I mean the home screen. its an option on aeon nox for example.

I don't think I'll add it as a skin setting at the moment.

You can edit includes_Home.xml and find the include "HomeMenu".
Change wraplist to fixedlist - that's it.

Just be aware that your xml edits are overwritten when the skin is updated.

I realize this is quite an old thread, but since this is were I found the information regarding an annoying quirk I'm faced with.

The information displayed when the focus is on the main menu categories (Movies, TV Shows etc.) according to your reply seems to always look at "VideoDetails" in "includes_InfoPane.xml".

Since I've set up sub-menus with categories such as 'Movies - Animations', 'TV - Animated series' or 'Movies - French' referencing the corresponding source paths on my Synology NAS,

what I would like to see there is the actual 'count' corresponding to the source directories, not the overall figures for all movies (or TV shows).

The entry "TV - Animated series" menu entry will show '91 TV shows - 5 unwatched' for example, but so will the entry for "TV - Russian" or "TV - French" when in reality the number of TV shows is different in all 3 of them.

The same problem exist for movies. If I set up up 6 different 'categories' for movies, which by the way are correctly displayed as menu entries and they lead to the correct media source, but the infopane display identical information for all of them.

Any chance to improve this ?

Great skin, by the way...

Hi AncientFafnyr and welcome to the forums.

(2020-06-27, 22:57)ancientfafnyr Wrote: The information displayed when the focus is on the main menu categories (Movies, TV Shows etc.) according to your reply seems to always look at "VideoDetails" in "includes_InfoPane.xml".

That's not quite right.
I take it you talk about the home screen?
In the home screen, the skin gets the movie and tv show details from global window properties. That means that it's possible to show info about the entire movie, music or tv show library (all movies / all unwatched movies / all watched tv shows / all episodes etc.).
From the home screen, the skin has no way to show details about a share, folder, rule or wherever/however the user has setup the libraries. How should it know?

Custom categories are another story Wink

(2020-06-27, 22:57)ancientfafnyr Wrote: Since I've set up sub-menus with categories such as 'Movies - Animations', 'TV - Animated series' or 'Movies - French' referencing the corresponding source paths on my Synology NAS,

what I would like to see there is the actual 'count' corresponding to the source directories, not the overall figures for all movies (or TV shows).

The entry "TV - Animated series" menu entry will show '91 TV shows - 5 unwatched' for example, but so will the entry for "TV - Russian" or "TV - French" when in reality the number of TV shows is different in all 3 of them.

The same problem exist for movies. If I set up up 6 different 'categories' for movies, which by the way are correctly displayed as menu entries and they lead to the correct media source, but the infopane display identical information for all of them.

Any chance to improve this ?

Which version of Rapier and Kodi do you use?

Inside libraries, the skin should show info (total items / unwatched items etc.) about the current container.

Can you provide some screenshots and details?
I could perhaps have overlooked something.
(2020-06-28, 12:24)Gade Wrote: Hi AncientFafnyr and welcome to the forums.
(2020-06-27, 22:57)ancientfafnyr Wrote: The information displayed when the focus is on the main menu categories (Movies, TV Shows etc.) according to your reply seems to always look at "VideoDetails" in "includes_InfoPane.xml".

That's not quite right.
I take it you talk about the home screen?
In the home screen, the skin gets the movie and tv show details from global window properties. That means that it's possible to show info about the entire movie, music or tv show library (all movies / all unwatched movies / all watched tv shows / all episodes etc.).
From the home screen, the skin has no way to show details about a share, folder, rule or wherever/however the user has setup the libraries. How should it know?

Custom categories are another story Wink
(2020-06-27, 22:57)ancientfafnyr Wrote: Since I've set up sub-menus with categories such as 'Movies - Animations', 'TV - Animated series' or 'Movies - French' referencing the corresponding source paths on my Synology NAS,

what I would like to see there is the actual 'count' corresponding to the source directories, not the overall figures for all movies (or TV shows).

The entry "TV - Animated series" menu entry will show '91 TV shows - 5 unwatched' for example, but so will the entry for "TV - Russian" or "TV - French" when in reality the number of TV shows is different in all 3 of them.

The same problem exist for movies. If I set up up 6 different 'categories' for movies, which by the way are correctly displayed as menu entries and they lead to the correct media source, but the infopane display identical information for all of them.

Any chance to improve this ?

Which version of Rapier and Kodi do you use?

Inside libraries, the skin should show info (total items / unwatched items etc.) about the current container.

Can you provide some screenshots and details?
I could perhaps have overlooked something.
Thanks, Gade

for getting back to me so quickly. 

Yes, I was talking about the home screen. Within the libraries, all the info is displayed correctly, that's not an issue.

On the home screen, however, I see something like the below for one menu option


then for the next option, I'll see the same information


Although this is only slightly bothersome, it is confusing...

I understand that the information on the home screen comes from global window properties, but so do the labels for the menu options (categories) I should think.

If you have those, I would have thought it possible to 'drill down' to the corresponding library entry and retrieve the information, unless the whole architecture is completely stateless and even then.

I guess if it can't be done, I'll just have to do what you suggested to the OP and edit out the information from the include, backup the skin configuration and re=apply it after every update.

I'll probably have to do this anyway, because all my data is stored in MariaDB on a Synology NAS and I access this instance from 3 different PCs running KODI.

Kodi is kodi-18.6-Leia-x64, Rapier is 11.2.56 and OS is Windows 10 Version 1909 Build 18363.900

Thanks for your time and keep up the great work

Hi AncientFafbyr.

Sorry for not answering - I've been on vacation the last 14 days.

Are your custom categories made from playlists? Or how are they made?

If you make them from playlists and add the same playlists as widgets, the info will get correct.

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