Ember not generating an NFO file
I've been using Ember for a while now, but recently had to install it on a new system, now when I scan a new folder it identifies the movie and collects artwork etc, but no .nfo file is generated. I've never had this problem before and I can't see anything obvious in the configuration screens. Anybody know what I'm doing wrong?
(2023-07-28, 14:55)niksimpson Wrote: I've been using Ember for a while now, but recently had to install it on a new system, now when I scan a new folder it identifies the movie and collects artwork etc, but no .nfo file is generated. I've never had this problem before and I can't see anything obvious in the configuration screens. Anybody know what I'm doing wrong?

Funny - I have exactly the same problem - temporal fix is to delete everything and start from scratch

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Ember not generating an NFO file0