Linux Random read only SSD
Starting with this:
We have a couple of Intel based NUC's (when a Celeron J4125 and 8GB of ram) and a 1TB Kingspec SSD.

We started using these on Libreelec 10, with tvheadend and they are primarily used as DVR's with two dual USB tuners.

Over time we have been seeing some of these machines have issues where the hard drive goes into read only mode, and I have attached some of the dmesg log from what that happened.

Here is where it gets weird, at that point upon a restart one of two things can happen.

1. A reboot and the machine starts up as normal.
2. A reboot and the machine goes to the BIOS screen as it cannot see the SSD as a bootable drive.

At this point what we have found is that by unplugging the power from the machine and leaving it off for at least an hour or so and it will boot ok, sometimes it needs to be left without power for longer, but almost all of the time leaving it unplugged for a period of time the machine boots normally.

The thing is it hasn't happened on all the machines and it's very random. If anyone has any ideas it would be greatly appreciated.

and I have attached this file
no idea how this relates to kodi

if the drive is failing perhaps here -
if the nuc is failing perhaps here -
if its a fault with tvheadend perhaps here -
since you run libreelec perhaps here -


otherwise, in my opinion:

fstab is set to mount with errors=remount-ro and the drive is getting errors, thats why itll go read only
since it works correctly after a shutdown and wait period, it sounds like the drive is overheating - therefor causing errors

merely speculation, as i stated i dont know how this relates to kodi and i dont pretend to offer help for any of your listed products
You might want to check how your SSDs are formatted. Again purely a long shot but it appears that your file system is somehow being corrupted. This subject has been discussed over on the LibreELEC forum so they may be able to shed some light on it.

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Random read only SSD0